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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-31 17:10



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 13:25

The Suzhou Xin Cheng town garden hotel is that one my Gao Xing level business affairs type hotel of high newly developed area of Suzhou, is located in in newly developed area business centre , the acient east dawn canal rhyme stream grows , the west hopes that Suzhou paradise is bordered by Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in the south in the Lion mountain, the north looks into famous gardens Hu Qiu and the cold mountain temple at a distance, the west is to be a famous "business street " row 500 meters, bar having assembled, take care of, outstanding person brand of entertainment , outdoor bathing place. Suzhou Xin Cheng town garden comfortable environment of hotel and elegant decoration, be that you provide the most comfortable lying fallow at any time. The guest room is sold at reced prices by glorifying a catalyst , dodges your many healthy parclose more. The broadband ADSL interface providing for free makes you confine self within doors looking at and appraising a couplet right away with the world. The dining hall gives first place to Shanghai style or school style of cooking in Suzhou Xin Cheng town garden hotel , the 4-big famous dish debuting lets your grade set Chinese fine food right on and on; Rainbow the cafe provides the all-weather more dyadic with each passing day Chinese and Western buffet, favourable comment having accepted a guest more; Can sample the fine food cooking improvisationally to much money besides the "cherry" Japanese cuisine arrives at the Japan thorn body , the birthday department except may sample,sets up whose inner having the three tatami box big or small. The elegant banquet hall of Jiang Nan is fit to hold large-scale meeting of all kinds , the marriage feast , news briefing , proct extend meeting and the celebration starting business etc.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 13:25


热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 13:26


热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 13:26

The Suzhou Xin Cheng town garden hotel is that one my Gao Xing level business affairs type hotel of high newly developed area of Suzhou, is located in in newly developed area business centre , the acient east dawn canal rhyme stream grows , the west hopes that Suzhou paradise is bordered by Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal in the south in the Lion mountain, the north looks into famous gardens Hu Qiu and the cold mountain temple at a distance, the west is to be a famous "business street " row 500 meters, bar having assembled, take care of, outstanding person brand of entertainment , outdoor bathing place. Suzhou Xin Cheng town garden comfortable environment of hotel and elegant decoration, be that you provide the most comfortable lying fallow at any time. The guest room is sold at reced prices by glorifying a catalyst , dodges your many healthy parclose more. The broadband ADSL interface providing for free makes you confine self within doors looking at and appraising a couplet right away with the world. The dining hall gives first place to Shanghai style or school style of cooking in Suzhou Xin Cheng town garden hotel , the 4-big famous dish debuting lets your grade set Chinese fine food right on and on; Rainbow the cafe provides the all-weather more dyadic with each passing day Chinese and Western buffet, favourable comment having accepted a guest more; Can sample the fine food cooking improvisationally to much money besides the "cherry" Japanese cuisine arrives at the Japan thorn body , the birthday department except may sample,sets up whose inner having the three tatami box big or small. The elegant banquet hall of Jiang Nan is fit to hold large-scale meeting of all kinds , the marriage feast , news briefing ,
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