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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-31 16:56



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 04:59

1. Today I went to the beach with my parents. When we got there, I saw many people there. Some were playing on the sand while others were swimming in the water. At the same time some children were making castles with sand. I joined in them. How happy I was.
2. My sister is five years old. Today is her birthday. I have prepared a gift for her, one I bought from the supermarket. I know she loves Barbie Dolls. But I wrapped the gift. And she was also very clever. When I told her that I prepared the present she liked most, she guessed it out. What a clever girl!
3. This morning I went to play chess in a training school. When I was on the way, I saw a traffic accident which happened on the cross road. Two people was injured and one young man was bleeding. I was so sorry to see that.
4. After studying my English for a whole day, I decided to watch TV at night. When I turned on the TV, there is no signals. I was very sad so I waited and waited. After an hour's wait, I saw the signal of TV plays. But it was a pity that my favourite play had been ended.
5. Today is Sunday. My mother has promised me to let me have a rest. So I called my friends to play football in the stadium. We divided us into two parts. Then we had a game. To our surprise, the results were 5 to 1. Of course our team won the game.
6 I can't stand the idea that old people can't be beautiful.So I like rings,scarfs and sunglasses.l wear colorful clothes because l want ti be young and beautiful .l enjoy nicewords about my looks. And l don'tmind what young people think of me!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 04:59

1) As the owner of this mplin resturant I am very excited to introce you to my newly created mplins. This mplin is called the "Chesse and Pork Dumplin" , it is the great combination of the western and the east. It has the Chinese mplin cover and the European chesse on the inside. The other version of mplin is the redbeans and greenbeans mplin. This mplin is a new reformation. It is now a dessert form food. The redbeans and greenbeans mixed with the honey fon the inside. Bitting down the mplin would be heavenly. I think customers would enjoy having these mplins and yet they are all intersting in their own new way.
2) Lately I just went to a resturant. The resturant left a very strong impression on me. It's jazz relaxing music seem to make me smile. The waiter in a very adorable suite came up and asked for my orders. He gently spoked and told me about the special dish of the day. I looked back at him and returned his gentlness with a smile. The food was gorgeous, the plating is stunning and the food was absolutley delicous. The price is also very acceptable for this form of services and dinning. I would totally recomand this resturant to anyone who is willing to accept western food.
3)Taylor Swift has always been someone I admired. Her long blond hair seem to be absolutely gorgeous. Her voice seems to tell her story that will touch anyone's heart. When she smiles she can make everyone around her smile. Even with all these popularity, she is still very nice and respects everyone around her. She is one of the most intresting people I know.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 05:00

kdndnxj.kldk, kskfxs.kladkasdaknada.dadgasasdlahdd.aljsaddasdioa.kjbfkjfa.fhasvafa.ffjgsfaasf.asfgdvcs.dggasfas.fasfasdga.fgdsggvc.btgjyj

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 05:00

不好意思了 初中的忘了
但我记得书上有类似的 参考一下词数上百没问题
汽车上保险都选哪几种? 刚怀孕能不能吃酸辣粉 西红柿冬天的储存方法 城市轨道交通和汽修哪个好就业? 女职工退休年龄是多大的 我国法定女性退休年龄是多少岁 坐月子能吃枸杞红枣吗? 坐小月子能不能吃枸杞 2017年最让你期待的动漫是哪部?为什么? 骨汤面的做法骨汤面怎么做 脆柿子多久才能吃泡面? 连续两晚梦到有两个人为自己坐牢有什么预兆? 手机设置主动防御后开不了机 虎年好运带集红包活动,问题!急! 求虎年短信祝福语 初一英语小作文需30篇 企业微信设置了防*扰,不小心设置了错误的条件,把不应该移处群聊的客户移出去? 七年级英语范文30篇 韩国炸酱面的特点 炸酱面的营养价值有哪些 LiBreLinK怎么样? 泉州哪家医院韩式无痕双眼皮做得好? 泉州海峡整形 切开双眼皮大概多少钱哦? 有失败案例吗 泉州海峡整形 抽脂的费用是多少钱 做的怎么样呢 有失败案例吗? 问下下颌前突矫正,泉州美容医院好不好!!? 去泉州海峡陈丽平医生做过双眼皮吗?怎么样? 海峡整形美容医院整鼻子 问下口唇综合整形包括哪些?泉州整形美容医院哪家服务好? 泉州海峡整形 割双眼皮价格多少钱呢,做的怎么样啊 有失败案例吗? 做一名快递工作者是怎样的经历? 笔记本电脑玩网页游戏? 你好,我的电脑上腾讯网页游戏上不了;不知道怎么处理其他网页都可以打开? 微信注销后手机号还可绑其他上吗? 动漫棕色头发阴影怎么画 微信注销以后手机号码可以绑定别的吗? 如果注销了之后,绑定的手机号还能不能重新绑定另一个? 《一拳超人》波罗斯是不是目前除了琦玉之外最强的人? 波罗斯有可能打得过琦玉吗? 一拳超人里甜心假面和波罗斯谁厉害,甜心假面实力如何 微信注销后绑定的手机号多久可以重新绑定另一个? 别克凯越显示屏时好时坏是怎么回事? 琦玉的认真一拳到底是有多强,细思极恐 《一拳超人》中吃了怪人细胞也不会变强的角色都有哪些? 电场能 电势能 电磁能它们的区别是什么? 电场和电势能,电势有什么关系?区别?拜托各位大神 一拳超人中波罗斯和王大蛇的战斗数据对比,谁更强? 电场强度,电势,电势能的区别是什么?? 《舌尖上的中国》1-3季全集高清完整版视频免费在线观看,求百度网盘资源 场强 电势 电势能有什么区别联系呢? 注销之后手机号可以重新注册吗