发布时间:2022-05-31 16:56
时间:2023-10-20 04:59
1. Today I went to the beach with my parents. When we got there, I saw many people there. Some were playing on the sand while others were swimming in the water. At the same time some children were making castles with sand. I joined in them. How happy I was.
2. My sister is five years old. Today is her birthday. I have prepared a gift for her, one I bought from the supermarket. I know she loves Barbie Dolls. But I wrapped the gift. And she was also very clever. When I told her that I prepared the present she liked most, she guessed it out. What a clever girl!
3. This morning I went to play chess in a training school. When I was on the way, I saw a traffic accident which happened on the cross road. Two people was injured and one young man was bleeding. I was so sorry to see that.
4. After studying my English for a whole day, I decided to watch TV at night. When I turned on the TV, there is no signals. I was very sad so I waited and waited. After an hour's wait, I saw the signal of TV plays. But it was a pity that my favourite play had been ended.
5. Today is Sunday. My mother has promised me to let me have a rest. So I called my friends to play football in the stadium. We divided us into two parts. Then we had a game. To our surprise, the results were 5 to 1. Of course our team won the game.
6 I can't stand the idea that old people can't be beautiful.So I like rings,scarfs and sunglasses.l wear colorful clothes because l want ti be young and beautiful .l enjoy nicewords about my looks. And l don'tmind what young people think of me!
时间:2023-10-20 04:59
1) As the owner of this mplin resturant I am very excited to introce you to my newly created mplins. This mplin is called the "Chesse and Pork Dumplin" , it is the great combination of the western and the east. It has the Chinese mplin cover and the European chesse on the inside. The other version of mplin is the redbeans and greenbeans mplin. This mplin is a new reformation. It is now a dessert form food. The redbeans and greenbeans mixed with the honey fon the inside. Bitting down the mplin would be heavenly. I think customers would enjoy having these mplins and yet they are all intersting in their own new way.
2) Lately I just went to a resturant. The resturant left a very strong impression on me. It's jazz relaxing music seem to make me smile. The waiter in a very adorable suite came up and asked for my orders. He gently spoked and told me about the special dish of the day. I looked back at him and returned his gentlness with a smile. The food was gorgeous, the plating is stunning and the food was absolutley delicous. The price is also very acceptable for this form of services and dinning. I would totally recomand this resturant to anyone who is willing to accept western food.
3)Taylor Swift has always been someone I admired. Her long blond hair seem to be absolutely gorgeous. Her voice seems to tell her story that will touch anyone's heart. When she smiles she can make everyone around her smile. Even with all these popularity, she is still very nice and respects everyone around her. She is one of the most intresting people I know.
时间:2023-10-20 05:00
kdndnxj.kldk, kskfxs.kladkasdaknada.dadgasasdlahdd.aljsaddasdioa.kjbfkjfa.fhasvafa.ffjgsfaasf.asfgdvcs.dggasfas.fasfasdga.fgdsggvc.btgjyj
时间:2023-10-20 05:00
不好意思了 初中的忘了
但我记得书上有类似的 参考一下词数上百没问题