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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-30 06:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 15:35

Microcontroller based digital hygrometer

Abstract: In recent years, with computer penetration in the social field and the development of large scale integrated circuits, microcontroller applications are continually deepening, because of its powerful function, small size, low power consumption, cheap, reliable, easy to use suitable for control of the system with the characteristics, so more and more widely used in automation, intelligent instruments, meters, data collection, as well as household appliances and other fields.

Instrial control temperature and humidity are the main accused in one of the parameters, especially in the metallurgical, chemical, building materials, food, machinery, petroleum instry, a very important role. As electronic technology and the rapid development of computer technology, computer measurement and control technology has also been a rapid development and wide application.

The design mainly AT89C51 as the control center, digital temperature sensor and humidity capacitance sensor HS1101 DS18B20 as temperature and humidity measurement devices, and intelligent sensors connected through the MCU to achieve the measurement of temperature and humidity, while using ISD2560 voice chip to achieve ultra-alarm alarm limit by four seven-segment digital tube display to achieve the measurement data output. As a result of improved temperature sensor DS18B20 as the measuring element, compared with the traditional thermometer, intelligent temperature sensor DS18B20 rece external hardware circuit, with low cost and easy to use features. DS18B20 thermometer can also be at a high temperature alarm, remote multi-point temperature control and other aspects of application development, with good development prospects.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 15:35

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