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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-30 02:13



热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 13:41

The company introced the Tianjin pleasant forest hardware tire to be established after the battalion headquarters in 1997, was one specially is engaged in the enterprise which the power tool proct and other hardware proct proxy sold, specialized proxy each kind of well-known brand, through many year endeavors, the company has graally developed into the technical force abundant major instry.Not only acts the power tool which sells to have the noise to be few, power, performance good and so on characteristics, and gives al attention to security of and the rationality the user, urges the proct to proliferate each place rapidly, but has formed the system the strict sale, the service network. The company proxy sells the power tool proct type is many, the design is complete, the leading proct electric drill, electric hammer, angular orientation polishing engine, electric flour mill, buffing machine, compass saw series power tool procts and so on has the electric hand-drill, attacks. Contravariant air plasma cutter WS series inversion argon arc welding machine air compressor W-1.5/7 Electricity pickaxe ZIG-UB-6 the electric drill J1Z-MD05-10 magnetism place drills J3C-38/49 The company is holding “the quality first, the customer is supreme” the management objective, has the high market share, occupies the leading status in the same profession, welcome the domestic and foreign merchant presence our company to discuss the service zealously, the development broad cooperation, altogether will create the glorious future!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-02 13:41

Company Profile
Tianjin wishful Lin hardware business of the tire, established in 1997, is a specialized in electrical procts and tools to other hardware procts sales agent of enterprises, professional agents of various well-known brands, through years of effort, the company has graally developed into a strong technical force of Large enterprises. Acting by the sale of electric tools not only have less noise, the momentum strong, and good performance characteristics, taking into account the safety of users and reasonable, to procts rapidly throughout the country, formed a tight system of sales and service network.
The Acting Company sales of electric tools procts wide range of styles complete, main procts are hand electric drill, impact electric drill, hammer, corner angle grinder, electric grinding, polishing machine, the series of electric saws and other tools procts.

Inverter air plasma cutting machine WS series inverter welding machine air compressor W-1.5 / 7

Xinhua-ho ZIG-UB-6 electric drill J1Z-MD05-10 Block magnetic drilling J3C-38/49

Company Bingzhe "quality first, customers first" business purposes, have a higher market share in the same instry in a leading position, all staff visit my company business negotiations, carried out extensive cooperation for a better future!
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