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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-30 05:25



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 11:25

Abstract: The roof garden may understand that for in each building, the construction and so on the roof, the flat roof, Tientai, the balcony carries on the landscape gardening, the raise trees flowers and plants' general designation, along with the urban development and the development, causes to maintain the human survival the environment space to worsen day by day, the opening city afforestation space increased the afforested area already to mention that urban construction's agenda, hanging garden's beautiful scene will enter ordinarily resident's work and the living conditions along with urban construction's development, it to construct the garden metropolis, the garden city, the garden country to open the new way.

Key words: historical development of the roof garden design principles outlined

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 11:26

Roof garden can be understood as in various buildings, structures such as roofs, balconies, rooftops, balconies on gardening, planting flowers and trees in the collectively, as the city's development and development of human survival makes the space environment is deteriorating, The beginning of city green space increase the green area of urban construction has already been mentioned on the agenda, the beauty of sky gardens will be the development of urban construction as ordinary residents working and living environment, for the construction of Garden City, Garden City, Garden State opened up a new Channel. Key words: historical development of the roof garden design principles outlined
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