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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 07:30



热心网友 时间:2023-05-28 18:37

  昵称: TC 至上 五宝 囧团
  英文名:Top Combine
  成员:张远 李茂 刘洲成 马雪阳 金恩圣至上励合,官方歌迷团名称为至天使,英文Seraphim;代表颜色为中国红。至天使,取炽天使的意义,至上励合的至字而成。炽天使作为最高级别的天使,是光,火,爱的象征,热忱,敏锐,用无尽的能量与爱,来点燃人们心中的热情,用万丈光芒驱散黑暗的阴影。而至上励合的五个大男孩就像降临人间的天使,大爱降临,完整光荣的定义。粉丝们愿与他们志同道合、并肩作战,并且永远守护着他们心中的偶像---至上励合。而中国红这个颜色的确定几乎获得大家的一致认同,它与组合欲打造成为亚洲第一励志天团的目标不谋而合。一向致力于内地偶像市场、打造本土品牌的天娱传媒,联合韩国DOREMI传媒,集合中韩两国顶尖娱乐班底,于2008年末,重磅推出斥巨资精心磨砺的“中国第一励志天团”至上励合(Top Combine)。经过层层考验与筛选,最终由分别代表“实力唱将”张远、“花样美男”刘洲成、“魅力男生”李茂、“创作才子”马雪阳四位“快乐男声”及来自韩国的“可爱宝贝”金恩圣组成了这支“中韩混血”团体的阵容。已于2008年10月正式发行首张EP。
  至上励合在韩国接受了为期半年的全方位密训,天娱传媒也不惜重金聘请众多国际名师,让他们得以接受最高配置的声乐、舞蹈、形体、语言的辅导。立志打造一支能跳会唱的偶像团体,而组合名称“至上励合(Top Combine)”更是定义并完美诠释了这支“中韩混血”偶像团体的精神——唱歌、跳舞、达到至高无上的成功。被冠以“中国第一励志天团”启程,藉由其偶像魅力,带着爱与*,用爱感化、改变一切原创地带的*。组合首张EP筹备之际,即受到各方注目,抢先听到单曲看到MV的音乐界资深乐人,更是一致极力称赞。
  至上励合第一主打曲《降临》,由韩国著名音乐人金基范(KIM KIBOM)为他们量身制作,以韩式舞曲为主基调,融合Hip-Hop、Rock和电子音乐等时尚的音乐元素,打破舞曲气势有余,旋律不足的尴尬,反复吟唱的副歌让人记忆犹新,传唱率兼备。《降临》词作以励志为主线,大爱重新降临于大地,世界变得豁然开朗,一切重生出美好的景象。
  《降临》编舞由李珉宇、神话等韩国巨星的编舞老师李胜浩担纲,通过简洁华丽的舞蹈动作及队形变化,急速的跳动频率突显霸气及表现力,完成音乐与舞蹈的完美结合。MV拍摄则邀请到曾执导东方神起 《Rising sun》、Super Junior、神话、BOA等众大牌艺人最爱MV导演之一Chun Hyuk jin掌镜。五位首次尝试拍摄MV的新人竟紧张得无法合眼,为了保证状态出镜,自行禁喝水避免脸部水肿。五位新人在寒冷的天气中淋雨后又进入密封的屋子里连续24小时拍摄的敬业受到了韩国制作团队的称赞。MV讲述被黑暗覆盖的城市,都市人疲惫颓废的身影,阳光被黑暗的影子所遮盖,每个人看上去都很悲伤……一瞬间,化身五个天使的“至上励合”降临,寓意大爱降临,新的世界被开启,天空下起大雨来,人们身上堆积的悲伤在新的神话面前被洗刷着,展开了充满希望的笑容,一切新的事物与生机降临获得希望的重生……为了配合这一主题,MV的拍摄地点特意选择在韩国京畿道的富川影视基地和上岩电子多媒体中心。古老的街道、电车、铁轨与现代感极强的建筑相碰撞,复古与后现代的场景相结合,两个时代差异巨大的取景地充分表现了MV中所传达的主旨。

  Mainland portfolio. By Zhang Yuan, Li Mao, Zhou-Cheng, Ma Xue-yang, and King St. composition. First, is the best of the best; Lai, that is, Qin Li Fen Mian; together is solidarity; the total is: unity and integration, cohesion as one, Qin Li Fen Mian, and strive to the best of the best. Top Combine is not only the name of the team, but also their mental ideas and attitudes.
  Name: Top Combine Top Combine Nickname: TC first five treasures of theGroup English Name: Top Combine Company: Days Entertainment Media members: Zhang Yuan Mao-Zhou-Cheng Ma Xue-Yang King St.
  Top Combine, the official corporate name to the Angels fans, English Seraphim; on behalf of the color red in China. To the angel, taking the meaning of Blazing Angels, first to the words Li-he's made. Blazing Angels as the highest level of angels, is light, fire, a symbol of love, enthusiasm, sharp, with endless energy and love, to ignite the enthusiasm of people's minds, with lofty light to disperse the dark shadows. Combine the first five big boys like the advent of human angel, love comes and complete the definition of honor. Willing to work with like-minded fans who fought shoulder to shoulder, and always guard the idol of their hearts --- Top Combine. China red in this color to determine consensus by nearly everyone, it wishes to create a combination of inspirational day as Asia's first mission objectives coincide.Idol has always been committed to the Mainland market, and build local brands days entertainment media, the joint South Korea DOREMI media, a collection of China and South Korea's top entertainment team at the end of 2008, heavy spending huge sums carefully honed launch of "China's first inspirational Day Group" Top Combine (Top Combine). Through the layers of tests and screening, ultimately representing the "power to sing will be" Zhang Yuan, "In the Mood for male beauty," Zhou-Cheng, "charm boys," Li Mao, "creative genius" Ma Xue Yang 4 "Happy Boys" and from South Korea's "lovely Baby "King St. to form this" South Korea hybrid "group lineup. Has been officially released in October 2008 debut EP.
  Top Combine in South Korea to accept a six-month full-secret training, days of entertainment media also spared no expense to hire many of the international teacher, so that they can receive the highest allocation vocal music, dance, body language counseling. Determined to be able to create a dance sing idol groups, while the combination of the name "Top Combine (Top Combine)" is defined and a perfect interpretation of this "China and South Korea hybrid" teen-idol group spirit - singing, dancing, to the supreme success. To be known as "China's first inspirational days group" left, by his idol charm, with love and passion, with love probation, all the original zone change successful. Portfolio debut EP preparations for the occasion, that is, by all attention, the first to hear the song see the MV of the music instry veteran musicians, but also a strong and consistent praise.
  Top Combine first flagship song "come", by the South Korean musician Kim Kibum (KIM KIBOM) tailor made for them to Korean dance-based tone, blending Hip-Hop, Rock and electronic music, musical elements such as fashion, momentum to break the dance is more than enough embarrassment melody, repeated singing of the refrain remains, sung the rate of both. "Arrives" with inspirational words for the main line, love to re-descend on the earth, the world has become suddenly see the light, and all born again bright picture.
  "Advent," choreography by Lee Min-woo, myths, and other South Korean star Lee Seung-ho featuring the choreography of the teachers, through the simple and beautiful dance movements and the formation changes, the rapid beating of the frequency and performance highlights the domineering force, to complete the perfect combination of music and dance. MV shooting was invited to have directed TVXQ "Rising sun", Super Junior, myths, BOA and other public big favorite artists MV directors Chun Hyuk jin Zhang Jing. 5 for the first time trying to photograph the new MV can not close my eyes went so far as nervous, in order to ensure the state of appearance, self-ban on drinking to avoid the facial edema. Five newcomers in the cold weather, rain and later into the sealed room for 24 hours filming dedicated proction team has been praised by South Korea. MV about the darkness covered the city, urbanites tired and decadent shadow, the sun was covered by a dark shadow, everyone looks very sad ... ... the moment, the embodiment of 5 Angel's "Top Combine" arrives, it means love Advent, a new world is opened, the sky it began to rain, people who piled up the sorrow in the new myth was scrubbing the front and started a smile full of hope, all the new things that come with the vigor to obtain the rebirth of hope ... ... in order to meet the this theme, MV deliberately chosen the location for South Korea Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do on the film base and a rock electronic multimedia centers. Ancient streets, trams, rail and modern building strong collide with the post-modern scene retro combination of two times a huge difference in framing the full performance of the MV in the thrust conveyed.


热心网友 时间:2023-05-28 18:38

I very like Top Combine . Because they are cool and sing well .
They are my idol . They are all from KUAILENANSHENG in 2006 in HUNAN TV .(我很喜欢至上励合,因为他们很帅,唱歌也很好,他们是我的偶像。他们是从2006湖南卫视举办的快乐男声中出来的)

After that , the host decided to choose someone who sing well . So Top Combine was born .(从那以后,主办方决定选出唱歌好的人。因此至上励合诞生了)

I like LIMAO best. (它由张远,李茂,马雪阳,刘洲成,金恩圣组成,我最喜欢李茂)
ZHANGYUAN is captain. He is very cool. LIMAO is really man. XIAOMEI is very beautiful ! MAXUEYANG is a composer . XIAOWU is a cute baby.
They are the most good singer in the world . Top Combine ,I love you forever.

热心网友 时间:2023-05-28 18:38

My name is top comime
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