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求论文摘要翻译 不要机器翻译哦

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-02 01:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 02:37

In the law, relief not only to the provisions of relief afterwards, but also should pay attention to the construction of temporary relief. Then, the temporary relief of almost limited to the prior execution and property preservation, preservation of the act does not give explicit. With the development of market economy and a variety of new cases occurred, all kinds of violations continue to occur, complicated by civil disputes, divorce proceedings, the two sides compete for the right to child support disputes, disputes the right of reputation, a bad case of environmental pollution disputes Urgent need of appropriate interim relief. Preservation of the relevant provisions do not act, behavior can not be preserved, gaps in legislation resulting system, making the need to build more acts of preservation. The author from proceeding on the definition of acts of preservation, will conct security and property security, advance the implementation of comparison. By two legal acts of the state preservation legislation and practice, on how to construct a security system for civil actions were thinking. In legislation, the relevant legislation for the current behavior of the domestic security requirement that maritime affairs, intellectual property rights in the "maritime injunction"and"System v. preliminary injunction before the" critical analysis of the legislative provisions, acts of preservation put forward a sound system of thought .

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 02:38

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