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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-01 23:52



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 13:32

National specialty, is the school of geological resources and geological engineering national level authorized doctor subject to support professional, merit based selection of roughly 30 men in an internationalized talents training class.
Objective: to cultivate basic theory knowledge of geology, grasp the indoor, working methods for the investigation and exploration of geological and mineral resources, with the preliminaryability of a comprehensive analysis and Study on the mineral geology, deposit distribution, can be found, in the development of petroleum and natural gas resources exploration (mining) of senior engineering and technical talents in the field and management in geological exploration and development, resource evaluation and management and other aspects of the work, to obtain the basic training engineer.
Objective: to cultivate with geology, applied geophysics prospecting techniques and engineering aspects of the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, has the goodscientific literacy and scientific research, development, management and engineering practice ability, to complete the training base of resources exploration engineer, senior engineering and technical personnel can be engaged in the resources in the oil and related instriesexploration and evaluation, design and construction, technical supervision, business management, technology development, technology development, application research work.
Training objectives: the professional development needs of China's socialist modernization construction, all-round development of morality, intelligence, body, beauty, to master modernearth science basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, has a high level of foreign language and computer, have good scientific literacy and practical working ability, and be able to use the modern techniques and methods in geological research, teaching, proction andmanagement, innovative and entrepreneurial ability, to adapt to contemporary earth sciencedevelopment and social needs of high-quality pioneering talents.
Objective: to cultivate with geographic information science, the geographic information system technology, surveying and Mapping Science and technology basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, basic training by geodesy, remote sensing image processing and interpretation and geographic information system development and design, can be in oil, land,planning, municipal, transportation, water and electricity, military and so on related fields ingeographic information system and related technology development, management andapplication of advanced specialized talents.
Training objectives: the major orientation of underground engineering construction, planning,survey, design, supervision, construction, monitoring and research units, training to adapt to the needs of socialist modernization construction of our country city underground space of senior engineering and technical personnel. Student learning through the system of city underground construction planning, underground structure and modeling, analysis and design of the structure of electric technology, Feng Shui, engineering survey, engineering materials,construction organization and project budget, project supervision and other undergroundengineering discipline basic theory knowledge and practice, have good scientific literacy and the good cultural accomplishment, ability engaged in underground engineering planning,survey, design, supervision, construction, monitoring, research, development and utilization and management of.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 13:33

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