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how to learn Chinese

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-01 17:29



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 17:31

i point out three key method :interest,input,practice.
first,interest is the best teacher.if you want to be good at Chinese,you must bring up your interest of learning Chinese.interest can help you fight against whit ll.find something you like to do.for example.you like to watch TVso you can watch some Chinese TV with your mother language caption.if you like to chatting ,you can using Chinese to chatting with Chinese throughth internet,or by other ways.
second.you must insist on studying.no input,no output.so you must learn some chinese character or phrase every somedays.after studying,it is better to use the character you have learn to write some chinese article ,or chatting wiht chinese.so you can not forget the character or phrase. do not stop learn for long,and learn continue to learn .if so,it almost impossible for you to be good at Chinese.but i advise you that not to learn too more by one time of learning Chinese.if so ,you may be feel ll.and then stop to learn Chinese.
third.do not afraid to make mistake.do not afraid make joke.do not be too care with grammar.if you are too care with the grammar ,it will be too ll.to do practice everytime ervrywhere you want to practise chinese.remember that if you want to be good at chinese ,you must do more pratice.
the last.creat a chinese environment.as we know.the best way to learn chinese is to creat a chinese environment.because it has more pritise chance,less ll,and you can remember what you study for long times,may be all your life.so many foreigners come to china for studying.but if you can not come to china ,you can use the internet ,or some other ways.

首先,兴趣是最好的teacher.if你要善于汉语,你必须把你的学习兴趣Chinese.interest可以帮助你对抗与ll.find你喜欢吃的东西来do.for example.you喜欢看TVso,你可以看一些中国电视与你的母语caption.if你喜欢聊天,你可以用汉语与中国throughth网上聊天,或者以其他方式。
我们的last.creat中国environment.as know.the最好的办法就是创造学习中文的中国environment.because pritise拥有更多机会,更少的单调,而且你能记住你所研究的已有一段时间了,可能是你所有的咽气一直有很多外国人到中国来,如果你不能studying.but来到中国,你可以使用互联网,或其他方式。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 17:32

Chinese is one of the most difficult languages, it is hard to learn because of its spelling and pronunciation, especially for european. Before learning chinese, you should learn Bopomofo and practice until you can organize them to voice. and second basic fundament is strokes.
chinese character seems non-regular. each word is different form one other. but as long as you practice more you can master it quickly.chinese developed form ancient chinese which every character is similar to the real thing. so it is more efficient that learn chinese with thought of real thing or a picture to associate with chinese.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 17:32

1 Try to stay in China and communicate with Chinese with Chinese.
2 If you can afford, just go to a tutorial class for Chinese tutoring.
3Watch some Chinese movies for learning.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 17:33

the best way is go to china..
and i suggest u learn english first
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