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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-01 17:29



热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 04:03

Why should we learn English? This is the most fundamental problems in English learning. To solve this problem, in order to learn English better.People use a language, the most important is to use it to express ideas, knowledge dissemination. The real" Chinese", is not the article writes fluent beauty, but in their capacity of thought and knowledge. That is to say, the essence of the connotation of language in writing, rather than the form. Otherwise, the so-called" Chinese", to be reced to a word word games, short fashion vulgar carrier. As Goethe" motto and reflection of" says: " do not know a foreign language to the language it is ignorant."In order to promote the Chinese culture culture and thought, on one hand, the state has the ty to protect the citizens as much freedom of thought, on the other hand, the public should pay attention to training their knowledge acquisition way. A person with multiple master a language, is to increase their own eyes, increases with the outside exchange opportunity. You more of a feeling and experience, can promote a discourse connotation.Now, the Chinese people have more and more, of course, is far better than Chinese to Western so seriously, we have reason to believe, the foreign language learning on the contrast is Chinese future period strong reason.
As far as English is very simple! Running is to practise leg! Practicing the piano is the practice! So learn to speak is to practice hard mouth, to escape one's lips! Only the correct methods, we will be able to learn a foreign language.To put all the time, focusing on the mouth to practice. To learn English is to escape one's lips sentence, your enemy is the mouth and sentence, you just need to escape one's lips two or three sentences. In ten the world communication ability than those learning English ten years, because you can escape one's lips two, thirty sentences, but they do not! Put these sentences copied on small pieces of paper to carry, full use of spare time they will be completely master! Learning English is not the mental labor, but physical labor!
要把所有的时间、精力都放在了嘴巴的操练上。学习英语就是脱口而出句子,你的敌人就是嘴巴和句子,每天只需要脱口而出两、三个句子。十天下来就在交流能力上超过那些苦学英语十年的人,因为你能脱口而出二、三十个句子了,而他们不能!把这些句子抄写在小纸条随身携带,完全利用零碎时间将它们彻底掌握!学习英语不是脑力劳动,而是体力劳动! 】
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