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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-01 17:17



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:25

about my future job
I have never thought of my future job before, not because I don't care, but because I don't even have a clue. This morning, when I woke up, suddenly, I felt a kind of worry.

If I work in a company, then the work wounld not exhaust my master's knowlege. Plus, it is very tough working in a company, much pressure and competition. If I work in a college, it would be boring to death. All day long, I have to deal with books and students. If i work in a law firm. it would be even tougher than in a company. I have to learn many things. I know then I will lose my own world and no fun at all.

I'm not sure whether it is a good choice of studying for a master's degree. I'm always writing papers, reading boring stuff...now I think i have trouble of getting a job. I don't even know what I wanna do in the near future.

It would be nice to go to Shanghai, but the pressure and competition are out of my imagination!

My career-teacher,以下的内容可以参考:)~~

Different person has different ideas in choosing their work.For me, to be a teacher is my ideal work.Because when I was still a little child in the primary school,I found it was so great to be a teacher. Teacher can teach students various of knowledges, not only teach them how to be good at study, but also how to be a good person. A good teacher can lead his students onto the right road, avoiding makeing mistakes. In a word, To be a teacher could contribute a lot both to their students and to the society. In order to become a teacher in future,I'll study hard now and accumulate all kinds of knowledges to be prepare for future, Especially, I should be more excellent and have more merits. Because a teacher is the model of his students.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 13:25

The future life in 20 years

In 20 years, every home will have a robot. It can help us do lots of things. We will have more time to study and have fun.Sometimes we will visit the Underwater World。We might even fly the rocket to the moon on vacation。In addition,students won`t go to school anymore and they will study at home on the Internet at home。So what do you think ?
天将雄师观后感600字 为什么喝酒会降血糖 牛栏山 52度浓香型白酒-购买最佳价格 全兴大曲 52度浓香型白酒-购买最佳价格 笔记本电脑怎么接音箱电脑如何连接外置音箱 笔记本电脑有音箱插孔吗笔记本电脑如何连接喇叭 冰箱压缩机过热启动5秒就停了 周长相等的正方形和圆,其面积比是多少 周长相等的正方形和圆面积比是多少 周长相等的正方形与圆形,边长与半径的比是( ),面积之比是( )。 要有... 20年后我已经大学毕业这句话用英文怎么写? 二十年后那个年轻的游客已经不再年轻用英语怎么说 英语理解 In 20 years from now on, students will not use printed books any more 是20年内还是20年后 五个月的宝宝奶睡折磨人.真心累.宝妈们如何戒奶睡 宝宝不喝奶粉,又什么都不吃,该怎么办? 二十年后,饮食方面,交通方式,工作方式,休闲娱乐,有什么变化,的英语作文怎么写? 20年后用英语怎么说 in ten years later?in ten years' time Anantara/恩诺童 奶瓶质量怎么样,评价如何 大多数中国妈妈害怕安抚奶嘴会影响宝宝的牙齿健康,你有哪些不同观点? 如何看待初中生含奶嘴做题被老师抓拍一事呢? iPhone 6怎么开通联通4g网上营业厅可以吗 移动手机卡转换为4g营业厅代办理需要什么手续 联通老用户全面升级4g去营业厅怎么办理 有个电话让我去营业厅办理4g不在网用户缴费? 联通怎么在网上营业厅办理4g?有哪些步骤? 开通4G必须要去营业厅吗? 怎么在网上营业厅开通4G服务 咨询一下4G套餐去营业厅办理还是线上办划算呀? 文化产业管理专业从事行业有哪些? 仙气飘飘的荷花亭亭玉立在水*。意境深远,表达了对荷塘月色的喜爱。这是那首诗? 二十年以后的生活(用英语写) 求20年后再相聚的英文翻译 求20年后再相聚的英文翻译 护理会诊的名词解释是什么 选调生是不是比公务员更有晋升优势? 市级劳模在晋升职务有优势吗? 对晋升的下一职级你认为自己最大的优势或者需要提升的地方是什么? 公务员比事业单位人员在职务晋升上有什么优势 采用晋升的方法来激励员工有何优点? 你认为自己在晋升的岗位有哪些优势? 员工晋升写自己的优点 在什么地方有干冰? 金伯利岩 市面上最好的雾霾净化器是什么 有没有韩国网红金有彬的泳衣相片 迸射什么意思 迸射词语的意思是什么 迸射的射是什么意思 站粟着迸射是什么意思啊? 董存瑞瞪着敌人的暗堡两眼迸射出仇恨的火光这句话中瞪的意思是什么,“迸射”