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求帮忙写一篇英语作文,大约80词左右。题目是Protect Rainforests 保护热带雨林

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-01 15:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 10:53

Tropical rain forests grow in warm, wet areas ---- Central America South Amereica, Arica, and Southeast Asia . Because it rains a lot there . With so much rain , the soil in rain forests is very dark and rich for plants to grow. More than half of the tropical plants in the world grow in rain forest. Thousands of animals live in them, too.
Rain forests make up less than 8% of the earth, but more than 50% of the plants and animals on the earth live in them. Thick plants makeit difficult to go very far into the forest. Most exploring must be done on foot, or by boat. Therefore, there are large areas that haven't been discovered
Tropical rain forests are rich for food, medicine and other useful things .
Today , sadly, rain forests are threatened (威胁) by such things as acid rainfrom factory smoke emissions (散发) around the world and from farm expansion(扩张) . A lot of rain forests are burned or cut down each year. The land is used for farming of for building factories. Because of the loss of rain forests , 1000 kinds of plants and animals become extinct(灭绝).
Many people understand the importance of saving the rain forests. Many countries are making rain forests into national parks. Farmers are being taught how to grow crops without hurting the rain forests.
Perhaps you can do something to help protect the rain forests of the earth.追问超纲了,以我现在的水平,这种作文是写不出来的,而且文中有很多单词都还没有学过。。老师一眼就能看出来,而且,复制粘贴的速度好快的说~

追答big day

i am very happy that i find the webside of the English study room this noon . I am a self-taught student and i dream i can make a lot of friends that love english study .I have no chance to be a school student but i believe hard work can equal to the smart. There were only two creature that can get the top of the high point the eagle and the snail .The eagle may get the target very easily but the snail is much more difficult but if there a friend who can do him a favor maybe he can get the point more easy .
The name of my essay is the big day ,for i am on the way to make friend on this day .A friend in need is a friend indeed

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 10:54

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