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翻译 英语小文章 我的梦 急

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-01 15:44



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 06:34

when i was little, i dreamed of my teacher. I therefore wanted to be a teacher too, then I can restrict my students. Then when i was in middle school, i saw the gossip girls on the TV, i was hoping to become one of them, to live in a cool way.Afterward I come to Korea, and enter the college. I found myself still has a long long way to go.I felt bit at a loss, i didn't have confident. Thus I was jealous about my good friend Joyce. He is confident, he was brave enough to tried everything. Like what he had said "just do it". Yes just do it. I think this is going to help me. By then I was convinced, Don't follow what others had did. But to have one personal goal, and becoming one's star. So my wish is, maybe after 10 years or 20 years, you'll find more and more information about my answers to my carrier. Just one dream. I will success it by my efforts.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 06:35

A child, to see my teacher. I wanted to become a teacher, because they can control the students. Middle School to see the U.S. TV series Gossip Girl, I like the dreams of becoming like them, lived a cool life. Come to South Korea, to enter university. Found himself so much to learn too much. I am a bit overwhelmed, I have no self-confidence. So I am envious of my good friend JOYCE. His self-confidence and courage to try to do everything. Think he said JUST DO IT.. Yes, JUST DO IT. I think it helped give me a sentence of life Tingyou. Let me know, do not see what the others want to become. But his own to find their own goals, to become their own STAR. So my wish is probably over 10 years, 20 years in Google Enter CIMI, you can draw a lot of search about my achievements in the answer. Is just a dream. I Examination own efforts to achieve.
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