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发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-02 13:14



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 18:40

1.Audio/visual unsynchronized: While Agent Goodspeed is describing the horrible effects of VX gas, the part where he says "it melts your skin off" does not match his mouth movements, and sounds different than the rest of the audio (since real VX gas does not melt skin (see above), it was probably added to make VX gas seem scarier to the audience).

2.Continuity: After Goodspeed and Mason have been captured, and it shows the words "52 minutes to deadline", that would make it 11:08 in the morning. When they launch the first rocket, the sun is really far down in the west, making it appear to be about 7:30 p.m., not 12 midday. When Hummel aborts it, it's blue sky. When Goodspeed launches the green flares, the sky changes from sunset to midday to sunset in about ten seconds. When he is rescued by the FBI, it's almost dark, about 9 p.m. But in reality, according to the deadline, it's only about 1 p.m. at most.

时间上的连续性:goodspeed和Mason被逮后,屏幕中出现了提示---"距离Deadline(R注:翻译成最后期限有点土,就用英语代替了 )还有52分钟",此时应该是中午11:08分.
3.Continuity: At the end of the movie Mason says its been a long time since he's thanked anyone for anything. However, the day before he thanked Goodspeed for not embarrassing him in front of his daughter.


4.Continuity: In the helicopter on the way to Alcatraz, Lt. Shepard quickly loses the headset he is seen to be putting on.


5.Continuity: Mason and Goodspeed peer through a slot in the wall that is open when Goodspeed looks at it, but closed when he motions for Mason to look.

-----------------------------------------------------不知道说的是两人躲过两枚*,从下水道爬上来准备去停尸房过程中,谈到Alcatraz历史那段镜头,还是Mason那段经典的'Your Best? Losers always whine about..."台词,眼拙,两个地方都没看出来穿帮,请其他真饭验证

6.Continuity: Mason and Stanley dry off too quickly after sheltering underwater from the firebombs.


7.Continuity: The disguised Marine that shoots the two guards inside the weapons depot is wearing gloves. Later, when he drops the VX gas canister, he's not wearing them. Although it's possible that he took them off, even if he did, he's shown wearing them a second later (when Major Baxter yells "Evac!"). Then it shows him banging on the door without them on.


8.Continuity: The number of F-18s headed toward Alcatraz varies between four, five and six.


9.Continuity: The old lady seen crossing in front of the crashing trolley is also a passenger on the same trolley.

-----------------------------------------------------验证未果...可能说的是那个胖子旁边的老太太吧,からす♂ 在25楼给出一张截图比较能说明情况,至少衣服是一样的.

10.Continuity: The plane which rolls out of the hanger is a two seater F/A-18 C/D Hornet, yet all aircraft in the flight squadron are single seaters.

开出停机仓的飞机是海军双座的F/A-18 C/D大黄蜂,可是在红雷突击队的所有飞机都是单座的型号.

11.Continuity: The same extras (most notably the man with a large white beard) can be seen standing both on the left and on the right of the Ferrari when it breaks the storefront window.


R注:因为镜头转移太快,一定要用步进来看,Ferrari冲破玻璃的一瞬间,镜头拉到车头的右上方,你能看见白胡子老头是站在那个写有"7th street garage"的门口的,(7the street garage这个门脸在车头的左边)等到车快落地的瞬间,镜头又拉到车头的左上方,你会惊奇的发现老头和7the street garage的门脸一起瞬移到车头的右边了...而且老头已经不是站在门口了.

12.Continuity: The tour guide's socks are up/down between shots in the prison.


R注:在刚上岛的那个远景镜头里,Barbel的袜子是一起拉到齐膝的,在他让所有人走进牢房,说"quite a tight, Hnnn?"时,Hummel和手下走过来,镜头拉下,可以发现Barbel右腿的袜子拉下来了,不过这倒是可以解释得通的,狱中似乎没有镜头拉到Barbel,(最后一个镜头是无奈的Barbel看着那个大妈高喊"help"),所以仅仅列出来不作验证了.

13.Continuity: The windshield of the Hummer after smashing through the water bottle truck.

R注:原话复制的时候好像少了关键词,What's wrong with the windshield of the Hummer?所以我猜是后面的追逐远景中,Hummer的挡风玻璃上没有任何水渍.虽然撞击饮水机车的时候,车内镜头显示挡风玻璃上是有水渍的.

14.Continuity: When Goodspeed gets in the Ferrari and closes the door, you can see that it's the door of the real F-355. Later when the tram destroys the car, the door is that of the stunt vehicle and, understandably, not of the real Ferrari.

当goodspeed乘上法拉力的时候,你能看到他关上的车门是Ferrari F-355的.不过在有轨电车撞毁这可怜的黄车时,车门似乎不是F 355的而是其他一辆替身车,不过可以理解的是,导演不会压毁一辆真的Ferrari.

-----------------------------------------------------R注:stunt vehicle翻译成替身车不知道合适否? 请指正.からす♂ 在52楼给出截图,认为此非BUG

15.Continuity: When the Hummer crashes into the meter-maid vehicle, it skids and goes sideways. In the next shot, it is still pointed straight down the street.


16.Continuity: When the SEAL team arrives at Alcatraz, they emerge from the water without the goggles or
regulators they wore on the trip to the island.


17.Continuity: While talking to his daughter in the Palace of Fine Arts, Mason's tie changes.

18.Crew or equipment visible: Supporting cables visible on the first camera shot of Goodspeed being blown into the sea.


19.Errors in geography: Final scene obviously not filmed in Kansas.


20.Factual errors: During the chase, when Goodspeed crashes the Ferrari into the parking meters, several dozen coins spill out, including a good number of pennies. Modern San Francisco parking meters do not accept pennies (and have not in decades).
在影片中,Goodspeed驾驶Ferrari躲避残疾人的时候,撞向了一排咪表,(parking meters是咪表吧?)不少硬币从损坏的咪表中飞出,而事实上洛杉矶的停车咪表是没法塞进硬币的(多年来一直是这样)
.21.Factual errors: The scientists outside the gas chamber shout at the men inside to inject themselves "before your suits melt." Atropine is toxic if taken when exposure to a nerve agent has not actually taken place - taking it before the suits have melted would incapacitate the agents. Furthermore, anyone who had been injected with atropine (whether before or after nerve agent exposure) would be in no fit state to either defuse a bomb or, as Goodspeed does at the end of the film, get up and run outside to light the flares.


22.Factual errors: VX is a nerve agent and does not melt skin.


23.Factual errors: VX nerve agent is an oily liquid that is amber in color not green as in the movie.


24.Continuity: When the Ferrari crashes through the parking meters, the indicator lights on the bumper have disappeared (presumably as this car is a mock up), but in the next shot of the Ferrari from the front, the lights have reappeared.


25.Continuity: The wheel on the motorcycle that Goodspeed is riding can be seen stationary momentarily.


26.Factual errors: The aircraft used to drop the thermite plasma are F/A-18 C/D, which are normally US Navy jets, but they have US Air Force markings as do the pilots flying them. The Air Force flies F-16D.

影片中飞往Alcatraz投下*的飞机是F/A-18 C/D,这是海军的型号,但是这些飞机又有美国空军的标志(包括飞行员起飞的时候也能看到),事实上空军是飞F-16D的.
27.Incorrectly regarded as goofs: When entering Alcatraz, Mason jumps through wheels and flames to get into the building. He said he had to learn the sequences when he escaped in the 60s. But as soon he's inside Alcatraz he opens a door from the inside. Why didn't he escape through this door in the 1960? Because in the 1960s, when Alcatraz was a prison, that door was locked.

Mason滚过那个焚烧炉时,他说希望还能记得住扇叶的时间差(翻译不大精准,不过熟悉影片的人应该能理解),之后他打开了焚烧炉旁边那扇门,"Welcome to the rock".


28.Continuity: The windshield of the Ferrari after crashing into the parking meters.


29.Factual errors: VX nerve agent was discovered in the UK ring the early 1950s and therefore Mason should know about it.


30.Factual errors: When Godspeed crashes the Ferrari, the airbag inflates and he has to shoot it out to escape the car. Airbags inflate and then deflate automatically, you do not have to puncture them to deflate them.


31.Incorrectly regarded as goofs: How can Mason be imprisoned in Alcatraz in 1962 for stealing files about the Kennedy Assassination (November 1963)? Easily: the film supports the rumour that Kennedy was assassinated by a government agency, and there existed confidential documents in 1962 about the upcoming assassination.




32.Plot holes: At the end Goodspeed puts a glass sphere in the pocket on his chest. We do not see any measures taken to prevent it from breaking. But in the fight afterward we clearly see Goodspeed land on his chest. The same glass later breaks quite easily in the mouth of the terrorist.


R注:而且片中不止一次提到这个玩意易碎:第一次在武器库,四散滚动的毒气球撞到门上就破了;停尸房*战里Goodspeed三次冲Mason大喊"Don't shoot the rocket",我想不是怕引爆导弹而是怕打暴了毒气;在拆除导弹导航芯片的时候也是小心翼翼把那一挂毒气球交给Mason,并警告说"如果你不小心弄破了这一串晶莹透亮的球,咱们两个都得死";最后正遭遇机*扫射的他轻手轻脚把一挂毒气球放在下水管道那里,然后拼了命去抓住最后那个"坚固"的毒气球

33.Revealing mistakes: At several points in the movie, the Marines are firing M4s; sometimes they eject cartridges, but when you see a closepup of the captain firing at Goodspeed and Mason, there are no cartridges being ejected from the weapon.


34.Revealing mistakes: During the chase scene with the Hummer, one of the cars that flips, clearly showing the explosives-holding special effects canister under the car, still smoking.


35.Revealing mistakes: General Hummel clearly lands on a mat after he is shot.

36.Revealing mistakes: When the cable car is knocked off its tracks, slides down the hill and explodes, you can see the road behind and there are no tracks coming down the hill.


37.Audio/visual unsynchronized: When Goodspeed is firing his pistol from the mine carts, sometimes his gun has a muzzle flash when it fires and sometimes not.


38.Revealing mistakes: Rubber tires are visible underneath the trolley as it crashes into the SUV.


39.Continuity: When Mason is opening the cell by throwing the rope, he pulls one handle down, then a few seconds later when he pulls down the second one the first is up.


40.Incorrectly regarded as goofs: Mason has been imprisoned for the past 30 years yet when he escapes he knows how to work a cell phone (reasonable, since it's not hard) and modern scuba gear (which hasn't changed all that much).

非BUG: Mason在监狱度过了30年时光,但是他居然知道怎么用手机以及现代化的呼吸器?-----你觉得手机很难学会怎么用么?而且呼吸器的功能和使用方法也没什么变化.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 18:41

这是 the rock 里的全部错误

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