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求作文My favorite day

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-02 11:43



热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 04:48

给你两篇,第一篇是关于喜欢的节日 ,第二是喜欢的day

My favourite festival is Chinese New Year. It’s on the first dayof the first month of the lunar calender. It’s also the mostimportant festival in the Chinese calendar. People decorate theirhomes in red, because they believe that it will bring them good luckin the coming year.This Lunar New Year’s Eve, I went to the flower market inVictoria Park with my family. On the second day of the Lunar NewYear, we saw the fireworks display in Victoria Harbour. I receivedred packets from my elders. I also visited my relatives and familymembers.I like Chinese New Year very much.


Fridays have always been special to me. I am really enthusiastic about Friday, since I know it’s just one day before the weekend comes.

On Friday mornings I always plan what I’m going to do when I come back from school and I finally can take a rest after five days of hard work.
On that day I usually don`t have many lessons and among the ones I have there are my favourite subjects -math and physical ecation. After school I go with my friends to the nearby canteen to eat something delicious. We chat, share experiences and discuss our plans for the weekend. The time spent with my schoolmates means a lot to me. Then I go to a gym where I exercise for an hour or two. I come home at 4 p.m., talk with my family and later usually go to my room. It’s one of the most pleasurable moments when I finally can relax and rest. I often read a book or watch a movie and simply enjoy the moments of peace and quiet. In the evening I go out with my friends to explore the city. We spend many hours wandering around, drinking and clubbing. I come back home late and go to bed exhausted. Luckily I don`t have to get up early next morning.
Friday is my favorite day of the week because it’s a beginning of the weekend ring which I can recharge my batteries and enjoy time with my friends.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-18 04:48

My favorite day is (星期). l have ... ,at(时间). l have ... ,at(时间).照样再写几个。l like (星期). 因为...
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