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文言文求翻译 ,这是全文。 克用少骁勇,军中号曰“李鸦儿”;其一目眇,及其贵也,又号“独眼龙”,其

发布网友 发布时间:2022-06-02 16:31



热心网友 时间:2023-11-17 23:59

文言文求翻译 ,这是全文。 克用少骁勇,军中号曰“李鸦儿”;其一目眇,及其贵也,又号“独眼龙”,其

Grams less brave, the military said "Li Yaer"; the one minute, and expensive,and "Cyclops", its prestige to cover in the north. The reach and, for a long time,frustrated, and often fear the figure, because from time to time from the shootingor hanging needle Qunhao, wood, or whip, one shot of noir, Qunhao are clothesthat god.
Huang Chao is in the first year, and in the north, on behalf of Chen Jingsi to theShatuo drop, and spit out the muddy, Anqing million people went to the capital,to the Shatuo in Jiangzhou, chaos, he is. Miss King Shatuo non use can not beused as Zhaoke, in letters and, for that, because of state Cishi in the north line of business. The rate of people fan Han Wan Shi Ling Guan, Taiyuan, for thearmy. With thousands of Jieshi Zheng Congdang money, Qian Shi Min m, Gwith anger, grazing and longitudinal soldiers. In November two, the king thought,G by complex to step on to the 000. The first month of the three year, out of the river, into the village dry pit. Nest Dang Jing said: "Ya Er Jun to come!" In February, Huang Ye to defeat the nest stone embankment valley; in March, anddefeated Zhao Zhang, still let to farmland slope, thirty bodies. When theZhenbing, will Changan Wei bridge, war, the thief fled into the city, with a victoryafter g, since their first battle at the palace gate, Sun Palace, nest failure, Southout of Lantian. Jing Shiping, G hard first. The emperor back with calibrationmaster, with the book door chapter flat, Hedong Jieshi, the north line of business is because of my will. In October, Guochang pawn.
In November, sent his brother Zhao Yi Meng Fangli School of Ajaccio, the Ze Lu,two. "Go to Shandong, Xing, Ming, magnetic three since don't let Zhao Yijun.Huang Chao nan to CAI, Qin Zongquan down, then attack Chen Feng. Four years, the fifty thousand grams to save Chen Feng, the tianjingguan, Tao River,Zhuge Shuang river crossing is allowed. In April, losing to Taikang and lost it,Huang Ye Yu Xihua. Nest and go and fight, to Zhongmu, Kanawha is not over,and G with chase and the thief, the panic collapse. Compared to Fengqiu, anddefeated, nest out of go, G with chase, and Chi three hundred, as the Yuan Qu,but not yet. According to Ming, magnetic Monteggia, so there were two akiyoshi.
A Bian, Hugh Zhu Quanzhong in the temple worship, for G for the source station.Night, wine, with a g, ambush, the fire, the waiter Guo Jingzhu candle,anonymous g with the bed, to face up to difficulties and water. There was heavy rain fire grams from Xue Tieshan, he in Weishi, with lightning, let the door, butthe army. In July, in Taiyuan, the first in the capital, please add the soldiers inKaifeng, sent his soldiers to Ajaccio million people Tun river. Xi Zongreconciliation, with broken nest, Feng Ke Longxi prince.
KPS first year, Wang Zhongrong and Huan River in Tian Lingzi gap, migration ofglory to the king of Dingzhou to Yanzhou, Chucun River Jieshi, Zhao g tosoldiers guard at the town. Glory to give grams said: "the emperor imperial glory,when G to save, and total death." As shown by the edict by the false g said: "this is Zhu Quanzhong seek it." By letter of eight grams, the table please. Totalloyalty, not with a gram of Xi Zong. Glory is not willing to follow, Xi Zong Bin ZhouZhu Mei, Fengxiang sent Lee Chang Fu for the. G with anti to soldiers to helpdefeat in glory, Mei Sha Yuan, then make the big sweep, arson. The emperor inXingyuan, grams of the Tuen Mun River in the back
1, Miss King Shatuo non use can not be used to pay, is Zhaoke imperial edict
2, the waiter Guo Jingzhu candle, anonymous g with the bed, to face up todifficulties and water追问你特么逗我吧,翻译成汉语。。。

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