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「求英语翻译大神」不要用翻译器直译,那个我也会。正文如下:绿绮台 是古琴的四大名琴之中的一个

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-30 22:36



热心网友 时间:2023-11-26 10:58

The green gorgeous Chinese Harp(Lvqi Chinese Harp), it is the one of the four most famous Chinese Harps, now it was collected in Dongguan Ke Fair Park, the name of lvqi Cottage which is built in Ke Park was named by this Chinese Harp. The time has passed for so long, this legendary Chinese Harp already rotten corruption, so the Makers of Ke Fair park found the heir of Lvqi Chainese Harp institute's Founder, the successor of Intangible Cultural Heritage"Lingnan Chinese Harp School Department" Mr. Wang Kexun to replicate the Lvqi Chinese Harp. No matter how the down dam is, if the voice start from this chinese Harp the around noisy sound will ebbed like the tide receded. To look for the thousands years Chinese fir wood and use it to fabricate the Chinese Harp is the wood'errand and the thousands years Chinese fir wood may gain a new life.
Chinese Harp making is not only a craft, but also it is attitudes and beliefs. To achieve their best is the ties for every single craftsman. The craftman should hould the the most quiet heart for every single act of carving without rash. Slowly and carefully,this action is the movement for the original purpose in the essence of life, the result, is a Chinese Harp, and every Chinese Harp is a single life, the life's voice only can be heard with the listener's life. The Chinese Harp represent primitive bridges between People's communication.
The Lvqi Chinese Harp has unique legendary stories, we can feel the heavy historical heritage from that quaint Chinese Harp, this feelings are not concocted by false crammer, only the ture perseverance and faith from people's heart can access to that antique world and the final dream.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-26 10:58

你还是拿翻译器吧,快一点 复制粘贴一下就好了,很快的 如果人工翻译时间很长

热心网友 时间:2023-11-26 10:59

你这至少得一个小时,朋友追问大概翻译一下就好了 😂 微信发红包


热心网友 时间:2023-11-26 10:59

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