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有没有人能翻译一下这句话:The uniform called time varies from 0.0 to 1.0

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-30 19:25



热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 15:30

第一个演示显示了一个圆环和一个圆柱体之间的变形。在下面的顶点着色器,gxl3d_position持环的位置,gxl3d_attrib0持有顶点的颜色gxl3d_attrib1持有气缸的位置(顶点属性阵列已经在Lua gh_mesh。set_user_vertex_attrib()初始化)。统一称为时间变化从0到1。顶点着色器使用线性插值(或值):#版150在vec4 gxl3d _位置;在vec4 gxl3d _ attrib0;在vec4 gxl3d _ attrib1;出vec4 _顶点颜色;统一mat4 gxl3d _ modelviewprojectionmatrix;统一浮动时间;无效的手()
vec4 P;gxl3d _(P =位置+ gxl3d _ attrib1 - gxl3d _位置)*时间;GL _位置= gxl3d _ modelviewprojectionmatrix * P;_ color =顶点gxl3d _ attrib0;}涉及领域:OpenGL
...第十一单元law of domestic relations 的翻译

这个应该指的是美国的《家庭法》或者《家庭关系法》在美国,家庭法亦可称为“家庭关系法”(Domestic Relations Law). 它涉及婚姻(marriage)、夫妻关系(husband-wife relation)、离婚(divorce)、分居(separation)、父母子女关系(parent-child relation)、收养(adoption)、监护(custody)和供养(support)等问题。

求翻译一段资料 中译英

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Many ecologists now think that the relative long-term stability of climax communities comes not from diversity but from the “patchiness” of the environment, an environment that varies from place to place supports more kinds of organisms than an environment that is uniform. A local population ...


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In a qualitative manner, we can describe the temperature of an object as that which determines the sensation of warmth or coldness felt from contact with it. It is easy to demonstrate that when two objectsof the same material are placed together (physicists say when they are put in thermal ...


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有没有活好当下这句话 每个人都这句话有没有错 school uniform 有没有这句话 这句话有没有错 你说这句话的时候有没有考虑到 a 还是an uniform uniform前面用a还是an 这句话没有毛病
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