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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-30 18:27



热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 11:38

With the continuous development of market economy, the continuous increase in personal income, consumer loans went into its familiar image of our vision and life. It will not only improve people's quality of life, so that the Government's policy to expand aggregate demand from the area of investment to consumption changes can be realized. In a sense, its development and a country's macroeconomic policies, financial system, opening up and market-oriented and regional economic development patterns are closely linked, on a country's total demand increases, financial institutions The competition, the region's economic prosperity and plays an important role. Therefore, promoting the development of China's consumer credit is imperative. By comparison Western countries of consumer credit to the legal environment, analytical thinking constraining the development of China's consumer loans, with China's specific national conditions to the development of specific ideas of consumer loans.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-28 11:39

Along with market economy's unceasing development, personal income's unceasing increase, the consumptive loan entered our field of vision, the life by its familiar image. It not only improved people's quality of life, also makes the government to expand the total demand the policy to transform from the investment field to the expense domain can realize. In a sense, its development with a country's macroeconomic policy, financial system's opening and the marketability degree as well as the local economy's development model has close contacting, it increases, between the financial organ competition, local economy prosperous to a country total demand to play the very important role. Therefore, advances our country to expend the credit the development to be imperative. This article through compares the Western country the expense credit legal environment, the analysis pondered that restricts our country consumptive loan development the factor, unifies our country's concrete national condition to propose the development consumptive loan concrete mentality.
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