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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 06:59



热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 02:48

泰迪犬英文名称:Teddy dog


The Teddy dog is actually a beauty model for poodles. The VIP is a French variety, and it looks very lovely. Once used as a waterbird. In 19th Century and 20th Century, the species reached its peak for hunting, performance and companionship. They are divided into four groups according to their size: the most popular ones are smaller ones: Mini poodles and Toy Poodles. Among them, the toy poodle is the smallest body shape. It is active, active, alert, intelligent, likes to go out and adaptable. 

The poodle is an excellent pet dog without hair removal. The tidy is a cube shaped structure, with the head trimmed mostly oval or round. The ratio of shoulder height to body length is mostly 9:11 (body length slightly larger than shoulder height). After birth, most of the tail is broken. Curly hair。 It is divided into two types: toy body (alt shoulder height not more than 25 cm) teacup body (alt shoulder height not more than 18 cm).




热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 02:48

it seems that dog is the best animal friend of people in the world.dog is natually friendly to people.

1.A dog's nose and a maid's knees are always cold.(狗鼻子和少女膝盖总是凉的。) 2.Before you hit the dog, look at the master.(打狗看主人。这一句是中文成语翻成英文。因为打一个人的狗,你就得罪了它的主人。If you beat a dog, you insult his master.)

3.When the dog is beaten, the lion is tamed.(狮子驯,狗挨捶。在中文中,有一句很像的成语:“高鸟尽,良弓藏;狡兔死,走狗烹。”也可以简单地说“兔死狗烹”,翻成英文是After the cunning hare is killed,the hound is boiled.这里hound是猎犬,hare是野兔。hare的多数也是hare,有一种游戏叫hare and hounds,装兔的一边撤纸一边跑,装狗的在后面追。还有一句英文是Run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.意思是跟兔子跑又跟狗迫,表示一个人骑墙滑头,两边讨好,两边都不得罪。)

4.He who has a mind to beat a dog,will easily find a stick.(想打狗的,不愁找不到棒子。)

5.Every dog has his day.是成语,但说成Every dog has its day and every cat its night.更有意思(每条狗都有它得意的一天,每只猫都有它得意的一晚上)。

6.The more I see of men,the more I admire dogs.(我看到的人愈多,我愈欣赏狗。)狗的特色是忠心,尤其不因为主人倒霉就做打落水狗的事。打落水狗是人干的事,不是狗干的事。这句英文的意思是人不如狗。说这句话的是法国名女人罗兰夫人(Madame Roland)。她后来被老同志害死了。

7.He that sleeps with dogs, must rise with fleas.(跟狗躺下的就要跟跳蚤起来。这句有点中文“近朱者赤,近墨者黑”的意思,劝人交朋友要小心。)(你养小狗要注意替它们捉跳蚤,并问清楚该怎么给它们洗澡。)

8.Dog won't eat dog,but men will eat each other up like cannibals.(狗不吃狗,但人吃人,cannibal是吃人肉的野蛮人,但文明人也“吃人”,吃法不同就是了。)

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 02:49

The Toy Poodle is a lively, sensitive, playful, loyal, energetic, happy and loving dog who becomes attached not just to one person but to the entire family. He is a wonderful family companion who doesn't like to be left alone for hours. He is very human-oriented, and will turn mischievous and destructive if he is ignored or neglected. He's an extremely easy dog to train, and loves to learn tricks and games or participate in dog sports like agility or obedience. He is eager to please you and quick to learn. He has a remarkable way of seeming to understand your words and expressions and exactly what you want. He is playful and fun-loving, and likes to play fetch and chase balls. He's a very high energy dog with lots of stamina, and he needs a great deal of exercise. He can walk with you for miles, or run madly around the house or yard. He needs a daily walk as well as outdoor play. Without enough exercise, he can become high-strung or nervous. But if you play and work with him, he is able to settle and snuggle contentedly with you on the sofa. He has wonderful swimming abilities and loves to play and splash in water! He can occasionally be demanding or jealous, and is an instinctively protective dog. He makes an outstanding watchdog, as he will bark energetically at the approach of a stranger. He can sometimes bark too much. He is shy with visitors and new people, but generally gets along well with other animals and pets. A caring and generally calm and good-tempered friend, he can be patient and playful with children, but should be supervised with very young children, as he can become nervous and nippy around them. He virtually doesn't shed, and so would be a good pet if you like your home clean and free of hair。I really love him.

热心网友 时间:2022-06-17 02:49

The teddy bear is a stuffed toy bear for small children. It is an enring, traditional form of stuffed animal, often serving the purpose of comforting upset children.
The Teddy is a breed of dog. Teddy is regarded as the second most intelligent breed of dog after the Border Collie.The poodle breed is found officially in toy, and standard sizes, with many coat colors. Originally bred as a type of water dog, the Teddy is skillful in many dog sports.
Teddy have taken top honors in many conformation shows, including "Best in Show" at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 1991 and 2002, and at the World Dog Show in 2007 and 2010.
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