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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-31 22:56



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 12:49

有些问题 我认为你的翻译包含的太多意思 会被人误解
我帮你翻译一下 是很仔细的 你可以参考一下

The lotus flower luck Di bar is initiates artificially welcomes most has the cultural connotation which Olympic Games prepare for construction the large-scale entertainment leisure place.Total investment 10,000,000 Yuan, management area approximately 3000 square meters.
The lotus flower luck Di bar, is situated in Xi'an of west an ancient city wall three big scenic spots the section--In jade auspicious gate city gate Koubei side flowers and trees botanical garden.Is one of Xi'an city wall scenic area sharpest scenic spots.
In 1300 ago Tang dynasty time, here was the turnover imperial palace, the palace wall, the primal chaos palace, the imperial concubines quarters palace Anfu gate locus.Is civil and military minister, the foreign diplomatic agent is received the royal government and worships the imperial palace aristocrat to have to pass through it place.

Here is the Silk Road beginning, also is the assembling and parting place which the ancient times East and West culture fusion extended.1300 ago, ten thousand camel caravans lined up in formation in here head west, the innumerable overseas diplomatic agents, business Jia entered the pass the notification paper in here.

The lotus flower luck Di bar has inherited the Tang Dynasty time construction style, also has poured into the modern science and technology development achievement, has achieved new surmounting.Also has the small bridge over the flowing stream, the botanical garden flowers and trees, You Yulian the pond, the eruptive fountain waterfall.Also has the scented tea beautiful woman, Chinese rhyme Tang Wu, the history remains.Has the lights twinkle, shocks the dance.
Falls sits the lotus flower luck Di bar blind area: The view city wall palatial, listens to in the grass the insect to call, to enjoy the old city dim light of night; Enters the lotus flower luck Di bar busy part of town: Shakes the whole body fervor, drives a day worry, to disperse in the chest melancholy.
The lotus flower mansion bar standing-by several hundred kind of Chinese and foreign famous name wine, the sketch bake.Princess, the vice-principle ty explains the Xi'an character and style to you, accompanies you to pass the unforgettable good night.
If you not in dwelling, definitely in lotus flower luck Di; If you not in lotus flower luck Di, definitely in goes on road.There is we reaches agreement happily, has music, the good wine, the beautiful woman, but also has very many people......

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 12:50

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