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发布时间:2022-06-04 18:26
时间:2023-10-30 08:06
印度尼西亚是东南亚的群岛国,它横贯赤道,领土有190多万平方千米,人口1400万。论面积,居亚洲第4位,论人口。居亚洲第5位,可是,它的岛屿数却名列世界前茅,达13667个,素有“千岛之国”的称号。实际上,它是名符其实的“万岛之国”!仅国内的千岛县,一个县就有岛屿1千多个。廖内县则更多,达2500个。无论就岛屿总数说,还是从群岛的总面积看,印度尼西亚的“千岛之国”之名,都是名不虚传、单就它的名字来看,其中“印度”一词,在梵文中意为“海”,”尼西亚”在希腊语中意为“岛屿”,印度尼西亚一名,就是“海”和“岛”的合称。此外,印度尼西亚还有一个动听的土著名称叫“奴山打拉(NU一santara),也正是“群岛之国”的意思。由于岛多而分散,全国重要的海和海峡就有十多个,因此印尼又被称为世界最大的“海国”。 在印尼所辖的这些繁若星辰的海岛中,名列前茅的部分世界大岛也在这里。伊里安岛,是太平洋上最大的一个岛,它东西长2400千米,中部宽 640千米.面积 78.5万平方千米,仅次于格陵兰岛,为世界第二大岛。它的西部地区,属于印尼领土。加里曼丹岛,位于中国海以南,马来群岛之中,面积约73.4万平方千米,是仅次于伊里安岛的世界第三大岛,它的2/3的面积属于印尼领土。位于安达曼海以南的苏门答腊岛,面积42.5万平方千米,为世界第六大岛,全部属于印尼领土。除了这些显赫的世界大岛之外,在印尼所属的岛屿中,面积超过万余平方千米的有9个,超过千余平方千米的有15个,这些气势磅礴的大岛,构成了印尼的无与伦比的海岛世界。
时间:2023-10-30 08:06
The tropics island country Sri Lanka (SriLanka) old name Sri Lanka, issimilar to the Indian Peninsula a drop of tear, mounts in the broadIndian Ocean sea level. "Sri Lanka" in 僧伽罗语 is pleasing is"the paradise" or "the bright rich and populous land", has "the gemkingdom", "in Indian Ocean's pearl" the laudatory name, by Marco Polowas thought is the most beautiful islands, because does not have avacation paradise to be able to have the seashore which if comparesfavorably with, infinite secret old city, rich natural heritage, aswell as unique enchanting culture.
Si Guoye is called "country of the black tea". Sri Lanka to the blacktea is world famous, the beginning caused her in 1867 black teaplanter to become many levels black teas the habitat.
The Sri Lanka fine scenery, including the religious saint mountain,the beautiful beach, the castle which Dutch colonizing stays behind,is consecrating 佛牙 the pagoda, has experienced several millenniumsold cities, establishes on the giant rock the palace, even has theelephant and the leopard and so on the wild animal! Except these, evenif only is walks in there street corner, the completely strangecharacter and style all can let the person be joyful. Moreover the SriLanka prices are low, is very friendly to the Chinese tourist,extremely suits is on a vacation.
Small tips: North and middle some places have the anti-governmentforce Taimier Tiger organization, enters their sphere of influence tobe by all means must discrete.
Position: In an Indian Ocean's island country, north separates保克海峡faces one another with India, the south approaches theequator.
Area: 66,000 square kilometers
Capital: Colombo
National flower: Lotus flower
Population: 2 million
Nationality: 74% 僧伽罗人, 18% Tamils, 7% mole of person,1% other races
Religion: By Islam primarily, but freedom of religious belief.
Language: English, 僧伽罗语, Tamil language
Currency: Ruble (RS)
Time difference: With China time difference 2 hours
时间:2023-10-30 08:07
Sri Lanka introced
The tropical island of Sri Lanka formerly known as Ceylon, as the Indian peninsula drop tears, mounted on the vast Indian Ocean sea. "Sri Lanka" in the Sinhala China and Italy as "paradise" or "bright prosperous land" and "Gem Kingdom," and "the pearl of the Indian Ocean," the reputation of the Marco Polo considered to be the most beautiful island, because no one can have with the resort comparable to the waterfront, infinite secrets ancient city, rich natural heritage, as well as unique charming culture.
Andean countries, also known as "black country." Sri Lanka to tea is world renowned, starts at the tea cultivation in 1867 she became the origin of many top black tea.
Sri Lanka scenic, including religious Holy Mountain, beautiful beaches, the Dutch colonialists left the castle, the pagoda, which houses the tooth, has experienced several thousand years of the ancient city, built on a huge rock palaces, and even elephants and leopards and other wild animals! Remove these, even if there is only walk in the street, can be completely unfamiliar with the customs people joy. Low prices and Sri Lanka, Chinese tourists are friendly, and is very suitable for holiday.
Tips: some northern and central parts of the anti-government armed Tamil Tigers, into their sphere of influence must be cautious.
Location: an island nation in the Indian Ocean, north-grams at each other across the Strait and India, near the southern equatorial.
Area: 66,000 square km
Capital: Colombo
National flower: Lotus
Population: 2 million
National: 74% Sinhalese, 18% Tamil, 7% Moore, 1% other races
Religion: Muslim dominated, but freedom of religious belief.
Languages: English, Sinhala and Tamil language
Currency: rubles (RS)
Time difference: two hour time difference with China