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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-23 15:45



热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 02:39

我是用有道翻译的 可能会有点问题 麻烦自己改一下吧 希望对你有所帮助~~
Website is enterprise network an important marketing platform, more and more enterprises set up their own e-commerce sites, but most enterprises are facing such a problem: how to make the target customers in voluminous e-commerce sites in understanding and find this enterprise's website. This paper discussed the common website promotion method, combining with the writer's analysis, the adjustment, the study, the first analysis now website construction market development, based on the status of the shenzhen kei dispatch network technology website, through the principle of e-commerce for scientific basis, for this enterprise planning the electronic commerce system of popularizing goals, the analysis of existing website each operation, and on site for the implementation of optimization scheme and finally for this enterprise puts forward and designed a set of complete e-commerce promotion, optimization of the project, and analysis the scheme before using it will give an enterprise web site operation and benefit bring which changes.

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 02:40


而b选项,首先兰州是个字夏商周时期就有的历史古城,作为甘肃省的首都,工业发达是显而易见的~~ 选b,

287回答时间:2010-1-4 19:29 | 我来评论
向TA求助 回答者: 无止境的世纪 | 一级

擅长领域: 暂未定制

参加的活动: 暂时没有参加的活动


2009-1-29 有关科技发展变化的资料,最好有网站 108 2010-1-1 有关科技发展变化资料 1812 2010-3-23 求有关科技发展为人类带来的不安全因素资料 19

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 02:40

我也用有道翻译 既然楼上的朋友翻译出来了 我就不重复了吧

热心网友 时间:2024-11-24 02:41

Network marketing business website is an important platform, more and more companies set up their own e-commerce site, but most companies are facing a problem: how to target customers in a broad array of e-commerce website and find the companies to understand website. This article discusses the commonly used method of website promotion, combined with the author's analysis, adjustment, research, and the first analysis of the construction site is now the status of market development, technology telecommunications networks of Shenzhen Qi site to full e-commerce principles for the scientific basis for the The promotion of business planning objectives of e-commerce systems, analysis of various operational aspects of the existing site, and site optimization program implementation, and finally put forward for the business and design a complete set of e-commerce promotion, program optimization, and analysis of the program before and after use to the enterprise's Web site will be operational and effective What are the changes.
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