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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-23 16:27



热心网友 时间:2024-12-04 17:39

General Yue Fei, the national hero of the Southern Song Dynasty, was born in a poor and humble family. But he later became an accomplished general and a man of integrity. In his day, minority nationalities on the northern border, such as the Jins, invaded central China repeatedly. As a valiant and wise commander, he once defeated an enemy said to be 500,000 strong with only 800 soldiers on the outskirts of today's Kaifeng. So a commander of Jin sighed, 'It is easier to shake Mount Tai than to shake Yue Fei's army.' Thanks to Yue Fei and a contemporary general, Han Shizhong, the shaky regime of Southern Song maintained itself for the time being.

Although Yue Fei and other war hawks had won brilliant victories and recovered the most part of the territory, it was the capitulationists like Qin Hui who wielded real power at court. They even resorted to false accusations to eliminate the war party and finally had Yue Fei sent to prison and executed. At the news, General Han Shizhong asked Qin Hui, 'What crime in the world did Yue Fei commit?' To this, Qin Hui replied evasively, 'Mo Xu You' which meant 'something fairly likely.' Later the phrase 'mo xu you' entered Chinese to mean a trumped-up charge or a fabricated charge. Yue Fei was only 39 at the time he was executed.
...分?普通话不好没事吧?我现在东营工作,这边有没有短期的培训... “腾马培训”的公务员面试辅导有实战模拟吗? 北京腾马顺通物流有限公司是骗人的吗?在木樨园那一带 vivonex屏幕是多大的 vivoNEX配置是怎么样的 衣服被染色了怎么能恢复? 描写关于旅行的唯美句子 关于旅行的文艺句子 旅行简短文艺句子出去玩的心情发朋友圈 麻辣捞面怎么做? 南京市有哪些私立高中 为什么选择冲孔网作为车间隔离冲孔板 我需要用英文翻译一段文章:描述岳飞与秦桧,包括他们的主要经历、功绩... 仓鼠头上被松鼠咬了一口怎么办? 松鼠会吃仓鼠吗 SID的cut的中文歌词+罗马音 幸せのドア 罗马音《大雄的结婚前夜ED》 ...越准越好,因为要学唱,不会日语,没有罗马音基础,谢谢~ 邯郸到河南林州大峡谷自驾游怎么走 初音的転校前夜的罗马音 邯郸市到河南省林县途径郑州吗? 河北邯郸到河南焦作有多少公里 邯郸市到河南八里勾多少公里 邯郸到河南浚县大丕山景区怎么走?多远? 从河北邯郸到河南汝州高速怎么走 从河北邯郸邱县到河南周口高速费多少? 炒擀面皮怎么炒好吃 香辣劲道炒擀面皮家常快手做法 玫丽网、草莓网哪个好 请问,你知道在玫丽网上买东西可靠吗? 玫丽网的东西都是正品吗? 伊斯佳豌豆原液可以长期使用吗 在车间外建隔离墙是否合法? 国内航空航班空姐能带水杯吗 杯子可以带上飞机吗 张杰发新歌《致吾辈》,他的唱功是否为华语乐坛顶级? 张杰治愈系新歌《天空有雨,伞下有你》上线,你觉得他的唱功如何?_百度... 张杰新歌《红尘录》上线,这首歌的意境怎么样? 周杰伦年轻的时候感觉还是挺帅的呀?怎么那么多人说他不好看? 凤梨上火还是去火的 吃凤梨能不能上火 世界上最贵的眉笔多少钱? 世界ol骷髅王可以学灯神的技能吗 世界ol贤者法术霜冻在哪里学 想找一首男女对唱的粤语歌,里面带剧情的,说的是分手的一些话,都是用... 我想问问高娅媛,杨杨,阿韦,小伸的身高 赵合德为什么不当皇后 杨贵妃为什么没有当皇后呢? 杨贵妃为什么没有当皇后? 壹知肤纳米金润泽保湿精华原液每次用多少?? 壹知肤纳米金润泽保湿精华原液里是含有酒精成分吗? 壹知肤的纳米金润泽保湿精华原液有没有抗衰老的作用?? 看到了一款安康德美的纳米黄金灵芝原液,包装很大气,想问抗皱效果好吗... 热情地舞蹈,健康生活处处多美好是哪首歌?