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孝亲颂 英文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-23 07:34



热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 11:07

  The filial piety
  I was naked, when i arrives this world!
  The body weight to ten kg, the height only does not have a foot!
  Cannot speak, cannot walk;
  Cant do by myself .
  In the swaddling clothes, only can cry,
  use to express, my regard.
  Those time my parents, they used:
  Infinite compassion, infinite pain;
  Infinite painstaking care, infinite hope;
  All all, infinite infinite;
  Nurtures me, fosters me, ecates me, cultivates me,
  causes my health to be healthy, causes me to be happy, causes me to be joyful,
  Every of my things , are all parents' gracious gifts.
  Father and mother give my kind graciousness,
  is far higher than the sky, is deeper than the sea.
  Looked the sheep kneels down drinking milk, looked the crow feed parents.
  The filial piety is all animals, the instinct light,
  the filial piety is the universe world, eternal truth.
  Therefore, sends hopes: “Starting from today, forever sincerity, filial father and mother!”

热心网友 时间:2024-12-13 11:07

Takachika song when i was naked to the world! weigh less than ten pounds, only a foot long! talking, not ; eat and wear, the second is ; i can not, do for themselves. in long clothes, and only to express my appreciation. when my parents, they use : infinite love and infinite trouble ; boundless, and infinite hope ; all in all, an infinite ; fed me and i, i support and cultivate me
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