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还爱吗still love》歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-24 11:48



热心网友 时间:2024-12-01 09:36

I don't wanna be another go to girl
I ain't tryna be another go to girl

When you kiss me I feel your eyes wide open
And when look right through me,
Damn I'm done with hoping
Like a flash of lightning, finally it stroke me
You're in love with someone that
I never could be

If it's the truth that I
Don't wanna live a lie
I don't take another step further
And if I tell you on
Then let me move on
Cause living in the shadow's like murder

I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be
I ain't gonna be the one you run to
And I don't wanna see, I don't wanna see
I don't wanna see the scars she gave you
Cause I gave you all my lovin
Then you come to me and say
I still love her
I still love her

When you say that I'm imagining what's happening
But ain't it funny how your words are drowned by actions
And it's so sweet how you hide your feelings
But you must be crazy thinking I'm believing

If it's the truth that I
Don't wanna live a lie
I don't take another step further
And if I tell you on
Then let me move on
Cause living in the shadow's like murder

I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be
I ain't gonna be the one you run to
And I don't wanna see, I don't wanna see
I don't wanna see the scars she gave you
Cause I gave you all my lovin
Then you come to me and say
I still love her
I still love her

Truth be told
When I go to sleep
I'm wishing it were diferent
Maybe I could change the way you feel
Now back to reality, I'm mending
You are still in love with her, for real

I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be
I ain't gonna be the one you run to
And I don't wanna see, I don't wanna see
I don't wanna see the scars she gave you
Cause I gave you all my lovin
Then you come to me and say
I still love her
I still love her

I don't wanna be, I don't wanna be
I ain't gonna be the one you run to
And I don't wanna see, I don't wanna see
I don't wanna see the scars she gave you
Cause I gave you all my lovin
Then you come to me and say
I still love her
I still love her

I don't wanna be another go to girl
I ain't tryna be another go to girl
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