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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 05:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 17:14

Audit 是审计,审查,表示比较深入的调查。
Check 是检查,审查,但只是表面的简单调查

热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 17:15

Audits portray the big picture

An audit refers to a broad standardised process which examines a certain field of operation. The ISO Standards stand as a good example. The International Organisation offers standardised processes to test various operations such as quality management, environmental performance, or documentation of occupational health and safety. Audit results are built from the outcomes of inspections. The purpose is to showcase a comprehensive analysis of a specific field of operation and possibly obtain recognised standards for it.追答Checks keep the system running every day

A check is the lightest assignment of the four. The word is not completely established to mean any specific content but is often used to describe one of the simpler processes like machinery maintenance or facility cleanup. No in-depth report is necessarily generated, but a checklist is sometimes used to facilitate the task. Checklists should be well-structured and unbiased. The purpose of a check is to make sure that things are the way they should be in an everyday setting. In case there are any problems, the situation is assessed and furthermore inspected.

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