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Science , 02 APRIL 2021, VOL 372, ISSUE 6537

《科学》 2021年4月2日,第372卷,6537期

天文学 Astronomy

Long-term drying of Mars by sequestration of ocean-scale volumes of water in the crust


作者:E. L. Scheller, B. L. Ehlmann, Renyu Hu, D. J. Adams, Y. L. Yung








Geological evidence shows that ancient Mars had large volumes of liquid water. Models of past hydrogen escape to space, calibrated with observations of the current escape rate, cannot explain the present-day deuterium-to-hydrogen isotope ratio (D/H). We simulated volcanic degassing, atmospheric escape, and crustal hydration on Mars, incorporating observational constraints from spacecraft, rovers, and meteorites. We found that ancient water volumes equivalent to a 100 to 1500 meter global layer are simultaneously compatible with the geological evidence, loss rate estimates, and D/H measurements. In our model, the volume of water participating in the hydrological cycle decreased by 40 to 95% over the Noachian period (~3.7 billion to 4.1 billion years ago), reaching present-day values by ~3.0 billion years ago. Between 30 and 99% of martian water was sequestered through crustal hydration, demonstrating that irreversible chemical weathering can increase the aridity of terrestrial planets.

物理学 Physics

Observation of a non-Hermitian phase transition in an optical quantum gas


作者:Fahri Emre Öztürk, Tim Lappe, Göran Hellmann, Julian Schmitt, Jan Klaers, Frank Vewinger, et al.








Quantum gases of light, such as photon or polariton condensates in optical microcavities, are collective quantum systems enabling a tailoring of dissipation from, for example, cavity loss. This characteristic makes them a tool to study dissipative phases, an emerging subject in quantum many-body physics. We experimentally demonstrate a non-Hermitian phase transition of a photon Bose-Einstein condensate to a dissipative phase characterized by a biexponential decay of the condensate’s second-order coherence. The phase transition occurs because of the emergence of an exceptional point in the quantum gas. Although Bose-Einstein condensation is usually connected to lasing by a smooth crossover, the observed phase transition separates the biexponential phase from both lasing and an intermediate, oscillatory condensate regime. Our approach can be used to study a wide class of dissipative quantum phases in topological or lattice systems.

Nonlinear tuning of PT symmetry and non-Hermitian topological states


作者:Shiqi Xia, Dimitrios Kaltsas, Daohong Song, Ioannis Komis, Jingjun Xu, Alexander Szameit, et al.








Topology, parity-time (PT) symmetry, and nonlinearity are at the origin of many fundamental phenomena in complex systems across the natural sciences, but their mutual interplay remains unexplored. We established a nonlinear non-Hermitian topological platform for active tuning of PT symmetry and topological states. We found that the loss in a topological defect potential in a non-Hermitian photonic lattice can be tuned solely by nonlinearity, enabling the transition between PT-symmetric and non–PT-symmetric regimes and the maneuvering of topological zero modes. The interaction between two apparently antagonistic effects is revealed: the sensitivity close to exceptional points and the robustness of non-Hermitian topological states. Our scheme using single-channel control of global PT symmetry and topology via local nonlinearity may provide opportunities for unconventional light manipulation and device applications.

材料科学 Materials Science

A van der Waals interface that creates in-plane polarization and a spontaneous photovoltaic effect


作者:Takatoshi Akamatsu, Toshiya Ideue, Ling Zhou, Yu Dong, Sota Kitamura, Mao Yoshii, et al.








Van der Waals interfaces can be formed by layer stacking without regard to lattice constants or symmetries of inpial building blocks. We engineered the symmetry of a van der Waals interface of tungsten selenide and black phosphorus and realized in-plane electronic polarization that led to the emergence of a spontaneous photovoltaic effect. Spontaneous photocurrent was observed along the polar direction and was absent in the direction perpendicular to it. The observed spontaneous photocurrent was explained by a quantum-mechanical shift current that reflects the geometrical and topological electronic nature of this emergent interface. The present results offer a simple guideline for symmetry engineering that is applicable to a variety of van der Waals interfaces.

地球科学 Earth Science

Extinction at the end-Cretaceous and the origin of modern Neotropical rainforests


作者:Mónica R. Carvalho, Carlos Jaramillo, Felipe de la Parra, Dayenari Caballero-Rodríguez, Fabiany Herrera, Scott Wing, et al.









The end-Cretaceous event was catastrophic for terrestrial communities worldwide, yet its long-lasting effect on tropical forests remains largely unknown. We quantified plant extinction and ecological change in tropical forests resulting from the end-Cretaceous event using fossil pollen (>50,000 occurrences) and leaves (>6000 specimens) from localities in Colombia. Late Cretaceous (Maastrichtian) rainforests were characterized by an open canopy and perse plant–insect interactions. Plant persity declined by 45% at the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary and did not recover for ~6 million years. Paleocene forests resembled modern Neotropical rainforests, with a closed canopy and multistratal structure dominated by angiosperms. The end-Cretaceous event triggered a long interval of low plant persity in the Neotropics and the evolutionary assembly of today’s most perse terrestrial ecosystem.

At-risk marine biopersity faces extensive, expanding, and intensifying human impacts


作者:Casey C. O’Hara, Melanie Frazier, Benjamin S. Halpern








Human activities and climate change threaten marine biopersity worldwide, though sensitivity to these stressors varies considerably by species and taxonomic group. Mapping the spatial distribution of 14 anthropogenic stressors from 2003 to 2013 onto the ranges of 1271 at-risk marine species sensitive to them, we found that, on average, species faced potential impacts across 57% of their ranges, that this footprint expanded over time, and that the impacts intensified across 37% of their ranges. Although fishing activity dominated the footprint of impacts in national waters, climate stressors drove the expansion and intensification of impacts. Mitigating impacts on at-risk biopersity is critical to supporting resilient marine ecosystems, and identifying the co-occurrence of impacts across multiple taxonomic groups highlights opportunities to amplify the benefits of conservation management.

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