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未来的老婆是什么样 英文翻译作文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-21 14:16



热心网友 时间:2024-01-18 23:10

future wife
When I was young,I have a sweet dream,which is to have a virtuous,soft-hearted and laborious wife. Till today,the wish exists and is becoming stronger and stronger. AS for as I am concerned, no matter how beautiful she is,if she isn't so good to me,I will think it useless for me.She should have a job from which she can earn money to afford to our daily spending.And my salary should be used for children's tuition.And then ,I don't need her to cook every meal,but i prefer to cook meal with her for entertainment. In adittion,I can go shopping with her at east once an month.After all,I should consider my business the most important. Last but not the least, she should spare fair right at home ,because it will be equality between women and men. Now ,you all may understand my thought. Actually, I am a realist man and I advocate braw life. I hope my dream will come true one day,and hope that girls who have inspirations with me come to contact me.MY phone number is 1111111


热心网友 时间:2024-01-18 23:10

My future wifey would be a hot pussy, she's named Casy.
We felt in love so deeply though my neighborhood call her bitchy.
I love her bosom after thoracic surgery,and love her smile face on the Alt-TV.
She love my peanuts i mean that stolen from store,In weekend,we went to the park nearby to ride a horse.
Yea, Yea ,you know her~ she is Aoi Sora the Japaness whore!!

参考资料:Yo check this out!

热心网友 时间:2024-01-18 23:11

xiong!!!da da di!!!!
未来的老婆是什么样 英文翻译作文

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first,the best 这是一篇英语作文的开头,求全篇翻译



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