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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-04 18:23



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 10:18

我完全不顾父愿,甚至违抗父命,也全然不听母亲的恳求和朋友们的劝阻。我的这种天性,似乎注定了我未来不幸的命运。 my father is willing to completely disregard, even defy fuming, totally did not listen to the mother and begged friends discouraged. I have this instinct, it seems doomed to a tragic fate of my future.
2.我这个不孝之子,背弃父母,不尽天职,老天就这么快惩罚我了,真是天公地道。 my filial son, the parents abandoned, not the vocation, God would punish me so quickly, it is to be exactly as it should be.
3.唉!人在恐惧中所作出的决定是多么荒唐可笑啊!凡是理智提供他们保护自己的种种办法,一旦恐惧心占了上风,他们就不知道如何使用这些办法了。 woe! People in fear of how ridiculous ah! Any reason to provide them all the way to protect themselves, once the heart of fear prevailed, they will not know how to use these methods.
4尤其是,在这种不幸的境遇中,上帝指引我认识他,乞求他的祝福,这给了我莫大的安慰。这种幸福足以补偿我曾经遭受的和可能遭受的全部不幸还有余。 in particular, in this unfortunate situation, God guide me to know him, for his blessing, it gave me great comfort. This happy enough to compensate I have suffered and may suffer from all have more unfortunate.

Good word excerpt:

Stranded, transparency, phagocytosis, the diffuse, swimming, mountain, submissive, at this moment, with mark

Good sentence excerpt:

I was terrified, foolishly accounted for in there, like a bolt from the blue to a.

See this scene, I was furious, leave early to fear. I swear: next time again see such cruelty, must not let them!

Good excerpt:

Here the ground covered with many melons, tree hung bunches of grapes, several large, there are bright yellow lemon. I looked down the slope orchard, everywhere is a fresh and green beauty, this is my heart filled with joy, suddenly feel myself into the fertile land beyond all dispute master.

And suddenly there was a voice calling my name: " Robinson, poor, Robinson, where did you go? " I woke up from a very surprised, looked, originally is the " wave " in me, make me happy. " Wave " mouth those a bit sad tone words are all I teach it. Now I be a survivor of a disaster, it flew into my hand, affectionately repeating those it doesn't understand the words, make people feel warm and warm.

If you saw me with scenario, would envy: I like the king, a person sitting up so high. " Wave " as if it is my favourite, only it has the right to speak to me, my dog is like an old and faithful servant, while those of a cat, as docile as sitting on both sides. Although I have the supreme authority on the island, but in fact I dressed was not fit to be seen. Sometimes I look at also can not help but can't help laughing.
计算∫L√x^2+y^2ds,其中L为xoy平面上的圆周x^2+y^2=2x ∮√x^2+y^2ds(其中L为圆周x^2+y^2=ax)的值是多少? 高等数学,第一类曲线积分:计算√x^2 +y^2ds,其中L为圆周x2 +y2 =4x? 设L是圆周x^2+y^2=1在第一象限的部分,则曲线积分∫Lxy^2ds=? 计算∫根号下x^2+y^2ds,其中L为x=根号下a^2-y^2,y=x,y=0围成的闭... ∫l3xdx+2ydy= ,其中l为x²+y²=1的封闭曲 绝代双骄2江湖凶险 为什么我下的新绝代双骄前传不能玩? 大侠帮我过过新绝代双骄2的任务。 我的人类来源哪里?? 如果是猿猴,那猿猴来源哪里?? 读一本好书英语作文 容留他人吸毒被抓多久可以取保候审 包子微波炉加热几分钟 微波炉热包子需要多久 容留他人吸毒罪 能办取保吗 容留他人吸毒罪申请取保候审流程是怎样的 笔记本电脑没声音了如何恢复 修复电脑无声 oppo手机官网账号忘记密码且手机号也换了,关机恢复出厂设置后要输入账号密码激活手机,怎么办? 容留他人吸毒取保候审大部分的结局 傅雷家书原文摘抄赏析 傅雷家书摘抄及其赏析 容留吸毒取保候审一般会被判刑吗 容留他人吸毒,取保候审之后还会收监吗 苹果ipad4s的id密码忘记了怎么激活 梦见去世的外公需要一本字帖,我不在老家。我能不能在自己住的家里面给烧一本。 word2007文档另存为保存文件,通过另台计算机在U盘中打开。文档左侧会出现原文件保存记录吗? 别人优盘在自己电脑上操作自己的文件会带来什么? 容留吸毒罪可以保释吗? 农夫与蛇后传小学作文 请大家帮我想个梦幻西游名字,已有家族,我改名,°洳次丿XX ,2个字哦,最近才分手,想投入游戏解闷! 容留他人吸毒罪犯罪分子能取保候审吗 .LeStore这个文件里面的东西可以删吗 鲁滨孙漂流记的英语作文,80字左右---请是自己写的---谢谢! xeva怎么注销账号 如何快速注销 秦皇岛哪家蛋糕店的蛋糕好吃? 秦皇岛林氏烘焙蛋糕店在什么位置? 秦皇岛过生日好去处 容留他人吸毒罪取保候审申请书是怎样的 怎么快速注销? 没有手动关闭手机VoLTE功能的情况下,可以直接使用普通电话拨打功能吗? 我的联通号码不能和移动、电信的VoLTE客户之间使用高清语音吗? 怎么快速注销? oppo Reno2浏览网页时怎样快速返回到顶置? 定时说说怎么修改 可以修吗 别人打我家狗属于犯法吗? 别人把我家狗打死了犯法吗? 别人家狗咬我家狗打死了犯不犯法 我家狗贪吃吃别人东西别人杀了我家狗犯法吗? 苹果手机视频为什么会自动保存 安卓手机桌面老是 "弹出某某软件获取短信记录 或位置 或通话记录 的尝试被拒绝" 怎么取消 怀孕可以喝冰的饮料吗