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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-01 22:02



热心网友 时间:2024-01-20 09:10

歌曲: FACK
歌手: Eminem

Owwww owwww owwwww (oh god damn!)
I'm gonna *in' come! (oh shit!)
Fuuck * fuyyuccck (* I am!)
I am, I'm going to come (I'm coming!)
(Verse 1)
(Ohh yeahh god) I never seen no chick like this,
this bitch can twist like a damn contortionist
condom on my dick of course it is,
this bitch don't know what abortion is
so I cant cum in her,
*s like a porn star, looks like Jenna,
* I'm gonna,
come I think my rubbers comin' off,
but oh its so *in wet and soft,
*, i'm gonna start lettin' off
im squirtin and shes not gettin' off,
and shes on top
im gonna fackin' ohh god,
oh don't do that dont, stop,
stop don't, I don't mean don't stop,
oww wait a minute
ow ow * I...I'm gonna *in comeee! *squirt squirt squirt*
Owwww owwww owwwww (oh god damn!)
I'm gonna fackin' come! (oh shit!)
Fack fack fayyuccck (* I am!)
I am, I'm going to come (I'm coming!)
(Verse 2)
Oooh wow, boo that pow, ooh ow I need a cigarette now!
Ow im so *in' hot,
and you're soo *in' hot,
oh my god,
I wanna fackin' fack
no not *, I said fack ,
f-a-c-k, f-a-c-k, fack, fack fack fackin' freak mee!
Ohh yeah girl see baby they call me Mr Freaky,
lets call your sister, 3-way have some 3-some me so horny!
And you're such a *in' babe I wanna go down on you, * you shave!
Ohh god damn here I go again, I'm gonna cum I am
Owwww owwww owwwww (oh god damn!)
I'm gonna fackin' come! (oh shit!)
Fack fack fack (* I am!)
I am, I'm going to come (I'm coming!)
*Someone mumbling*
(Verse 3)
Ok I'm done,
I already came twice,
you aint gonna make me cum,
I'm all outta gas,
Not so fast! Uh your finger just went in my ass!
Ow that hurts! Take it out now
Ohh wait a minute girl put it back in, in in in
this don't mean I'm gay I dont like men
I like boobs, boobs, boobs
Now see that gerbil, grab that tube,
shove it up my butt,
let that little rascal nibble on my asshole, uhh, yeah, right there, right there,
Ahhh I'm coming ahhh yeaaah,
fack, I just came again, okay pull it out now,
ohh * yeah, wait he's not out hes still crawling around up there,
ow * I think it's stuck
oww but it feels so fackin' good!
Owwww owwww owwwww (oh god damn!)
I'm gonna fackin' come! (oh shit!)
Fack fack fack (* I am!)
I am, I'm going to come (I'm coming!)
Shove a gerbil in your ass through a tube!
Shove a gerbil in your ass through a tube!
Shove a gerbil in your ass through a tube!
Shove a gerbil in your ass through a tube!
Ew ew ew ew

热心网友 时间:2024-01-20 09:11

是one shot two shot吗?是阿姆和D-12的...希望能帮到你吧

热心网友 时间:2024-01-20 09:11

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