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Styx的《Babe》 歌词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-26 05:16



热心网友 时间:2023-09-27 04:26

专辑:This Is The Sound Of...Love

- Dennis DeYoung
Babe, Im leaving,
I must be on my way
The time is drawing near
My train is going,
I see it in your eyes
The love, the need, your tears
But I'll be lonely without you
And I'll need your love
to see me through
Please believe me,
my heart is in your hands
And I'll be missing you.
You know its you babe
Whenever I get weary
and Ive had enough
Feel like giving up
You know its you babe
Giving me the courage
and the strength I need
Please believe that its true
Babe, I love you.
You know its you babe
Whenever I get weary
and Ive had enough
Feel like giving up
You know its you babe
Giving me the courage
and the strength I need
Please believe that its true
Babe, I love you.
Babe, Im leaving,
Ill say it once again
Somehow try to smile
I know the feeling
were trying to forget
If only for a while
But Ill be lonely without you
And Ill need your love
to see me through
Please believe me,
my heart is in your hands
And Ill be missing you
Babe, I love you.
Babe, I love you.


热心网友 时间:2023-09-27 04:26

专辑:This Is The Sound Of...Love

- Dennis DeYoung
Babe, Im leaving,
I must be on my way
The time is drawing near
My train is going,
I see it in your eyes
The love, the need, your tears
But I'll be lonely without you
And I'll need your love
to see me through
Please believe me,
my heart is in your hands
And I'll be missing you.
You know its you babe
Whenever I get weary
and Ive had enough
Feel like giving up
You know its you babe
Giving me the courage
and the strength I need
Please believe that its true
Babe, I love you.
You know its you babe
Whenever I get weary
and Ive had enough
Feel like giving up
You know its you babe
Giving me the courage
and the strength I need
Please believe that its true
Babe, I love you.
Babe, Im leaving,
Ill say it once again
Somehow try to smile
I know the feeling
were trying to forget
If only for a while
But Ill be lonely without you
And Ill need your love
to see me through
Please believe me,
my heart is in your hands
And Ill be missing you
Babe, I love you.
Babe, I love you.

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