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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-24 23:02



热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 17:08

A:Mary, be calm.


B:It is impossible. You cheated on me.

A:No, listen to me. I always regard you as my best friend. I admire you, and of course you've helped me so much. I should thank you.


B:Shut up!


A:No, listen to me. Perhaps it's my fault that I treat everybody so well. Maybe in other people's eyes, I want you to be my girl-friend. but....but...


B:But you have had lily already? You should have told me about her, but you didn't.


A:OK... OK...Anyway. I will treat you as my best friend. I hope you can do the same.


B:Leave me! Go away!


热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 17:09

A: Wow, that terrible movie is finally over. Next time I’m picking the film, because I don’t want to end up seeing a chick flick(俚语,肥皂剧).
B: Well you should have picked, in the end you always complain about everything.
A: Not everything, just this film. Even the title is ridiculous(荒唐的,荒诞的); and it’s so long, those are the two and a half most wasted hours of my life, so much so that I’m thinking about asking them to give me my money back.
B: I’m thinking of taking you back home. I thought we could have a nice evening, but you’re always so negative(消极的,负面的).
A: I’m only complaining about a movie that I could have rented or bought and then thrown in the garbage.
B: You see, that’s what I’m talking about, I can’t stand your sarcastic jokes anymore
A: Next time, go with your gay friend who is more in touch with his feelings.
B: Well he’s more of a man than you are; at least he appreciates love stories.
A: Love? More like one-night-stands(*).
B: Don’t criticize Mario or else I’ll start on those fat, drunk friends of yours; they’re no saints.
A: My friends? Fat? What about those whales you call friends?
B: You’re unbearable; you can walk home, I’m leaving.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 17:09

* you!
no * you!
no * you!
no * you!
no * you!
no * you!
no * you!
no * you!
no * you!
no * you!
no * you!
no * you!
no * you!
no * you!


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