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发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-24 23:02



热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 17:09

Allen Iverson (Allen's sport in Iverson), NBA American famous basketball player, has repeatedly NBA all-stars, and served on the basketball dream team captain. On 26 June 1996 by The Philadelphia 76ers chosen to be in NBA history to The most short draft, nicknamed "The Answer (The Answer)".
To translate the picture inside the main awards: the NCAA big the eastern conference rookie (1996)
NBA rookie (1997),
NBA most valuable player (2001)
NBA scoring champion (99, 01 and 02, 05)
NBA all-star most valuable player (01 05)
Draft identity join Philadelphia (96-06)

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 17:09

Allen Iverson NBA American famous basketball player, has repeatedly NBA all-stars, and served on the basketball dream team captain. On 26 June 1996 by The Philadelphia 76ers chosen to be in NBA history to The most short draft, nicknamed "The Answer (The Answer)".
To translate the picture inside the main awards: the NCAA big the eastern conference rookie (1996)
NBA rookie (1997),
NBA most valuable player (2001)
NBA scoring champion (99, 01 and 02, 05)
NBA all-star most valuable player (01 05)
Draft identity join Philadelphia (96-06)

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 17:10

Allen Lverson,a famous basketball player in NBA.He was chosen into NBA all star games many times.And he asol became the leader of the USA Dream Team.He was chosen by Philadelphia 76ers on June,26th,1996.The shortest NBA form dollar shows in the history of NBA.He owen a nickname, “The Answer” .
The best up-and-coming youngster in the eastern of NCAA in 1996
The mvp in NBA in 2011
The NBA Best Scorer in 1999,2001,2002 and 2005
The mvp in the all star game in 2001 and 5
He joined the Philadelphia 76ers as a NBA form dollar shows in 1996 to 2006.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 17:10

Allen Iverson (Allen's sport in Iverson), American NBA famous basketball player, has repeatedly NBA all-stars, served on the basketball dream team captain. On 26 June 1996 by The Philadelphia 76ers chosen to be The shortest in The history of The NBA draft, nicknamed "(The Answer) ".

The main award to translate the picture inside rookie NCAA big east, (1996)

NBA rookie (1997)

The NBA's most valuable player (2001)

The NBA scoring champion (99, 01 and 02, 2005)

NBA all-star game's most valuable player (01 05)

Draft identity joined Philadelphia (96-06)

热心网友 时间:2023-09-14 17:11

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