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求毛姆的《A Friend In Need 患难之交》的评析,最好是英语的,短一点。

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-11 22:00



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 08:50

There's something to be said for A FRIEND IN NEED, which is the best episode of the CONAN THE ADVENTURER series that I've seen so far. It's not better shot than the others, and the script is still filled with bad writing, something that plagued the series for its entire run. A FRIEND IN NEED, one of the better episodes, is obviously not immune to the problems caused by the untalented people who worked on the rest of the series. My criticism of the series overall, that the nature of Conan has been changed to little more than happy go lucky nice guy in a loincloth stands, as does my distaste for his cohorts who are too lame to be in anything based off of the work of R. E. Howard, much less his best known creation. In spite of these things, this episode does capture a smidgen of what makes the Conan stories fun to read. At this point, R. E. Howard buffs have hit the "not helpful" button at the bottom of the review, but before the rest of you (those who read my comments, although I'm not sure how many actually do...) do the same, bear with me as I explain.

The story of this episode sees an old friend of Conan meet up with him, a character played by Bodybuilder/martial-artist/B-list actor Matthias Hues, and immediately takes a notice of his impressive "Atlantean" sword. It turns out that he's actually in league with a cult and plans to take Conan's sword making himself the most powerful swordsman around, which is a lot of blah that doesn't mean much at all since the cult is made up of scrawny extras in blue paint wielding some crappy looking prop swords. What makes this episode a bit more interesting than most is the fact that Ralf Moeller finally has a physical match in German muscle man Matthias Hues. Neither of these guys are great actors, and they don't add much to the episode, but for once, Conan seems to be the character he should be. He's loud, obnoxious and drunk, pugnacious to a fault, while still being charismatic enough not to be boring. Hues' character also has the added benefit of bringing out the past history of Conan, although this is unfortunately told instead of shown. This is undercut by his friends, who nag him constantly about the trustworthiness of his friend, and even though they're correct, they drain a lot of the fun from this episode.

The stunt work is pretty much par the course, but with the final fight scene being a standout. It's rushed, and poorly shot too: either the camera jiggles about trying to capture the action or it's stuck at a bland mid-length angle that's obviously easy to set up, but boring for the audience to watch. The choreography, really is pretty lame, just actors clinking their weapons against each other, with little done to make them appear as masterful fighters trying to kill each other, or stylizing the combat to make it artful and engrossingly unreal. However, the opposing brutes make for a good el, even as they spout pointless, made up, and obviously unresearched platitudes about swordsmanship. For once, Moeller's opponent looks like he's capable of actually doing some damage, lending, for a short time, some danger to the proceedings, which the rest of the series really could've used. So A FRIEND IN NEED manages to be a relatively entertaining forty odd minutes, even if it can easily be made fun of and criticized. It's faults are merely those that are inherent in the series as a whole (faults which are also seen in most of the TV versions of the heroic fantasy genre). This is still a decent way to waste some time, and one of the better episodes of CONAN THE ADVENTURER

热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 08:51

现在波兰的签证率高不高 去波兰如何办签证 去波兰办签证好办理吗 波兰签证好签吗 win7 多重网络 教师资格证普通话要多少级 想考教师资格证普通话必须过几级 qq影视会员SVIP和超级影视VIP的区别在哪里? 一小撮怎么造句 盛行一时怎么造句 somerset maugham 《a friend in need》中文翻译 王著教帝学书的王著简介 王著教帝学书的注释 奥克斯KFR--26G/A室内机制冷一会就不管了,室内机结霜,什么原因怎么修? 我家的AUX空调内机结冰怎么回事,求解 奥克斯空调毛细管结冰严重怎么处理维修 证明学生是协会的干部怎么写 高空扔一个塑料瓶是空的不小心弄到车上了没事吧? 一个空的塑料瓶盖紧盖子放在较高的室温下会发生什么? 空牛奶塑料瓶如何2次利用 为什么空塑料瓶承受的压力很大? 用泡打粉怎样炸油条 美食专家教你轻松制作美食 苹果6splus外观磕坏了售后可以以旧换新么 腾讯围棋怎样写大字小字? 救生圈为什么能起到救生作用 晒伤皮肤怎么修复 新浪微博怎么跳不了页啊 一共几千页 怎么方便看最后的 和中间的啊 总不能几页几页地翻吧 和好的和怎么写 和怎么写拼音是什么? 幼儿园教师思想政治表现 请问毛姆的《患难之交》收于哪本书里了? a friend in need中,如果主人公来找你寻求帮助 ,你会提供帮助吗 毛姆短篇小说患难之交的英文摘要 从味如嚼蜡到活色生香,如何营造小说的氛围 快递拒收需要怎样写回执单呢? 山峨子炖排骨可以放点冰糖不? 远山峨黛梦长安怎么穿 这里的山川巍峨雄壮这里的水微博荡漾是什么歌曲? 醋用英语怎么说 如何制定考研的时间规划? 淘宝买家评价自动填表工具 关键词选词助手到底里面有没有病毒 为什么杀毒软件老是提示 描述杨贵妃梨花带雨的诗句 结婚必须达到哪几个法定条件 结婚的法定条件有哪些 快递公司加盟连锁店一件派件能挣多少钱 微信注销了再恢复使用。原来的微信支付详单还在吗? 男子在林芝5A景区隐居6年被劝回家,这名男子这6年来是如何生活的? 内蒙古怎样查高考分 彼年谁曾许我一世欢颜 是什么意思,长细点