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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-10 03:13



热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 16:51

1 two of the advantages of the transistor are its being very small in size and its being able to be put close to each other without _B___.
a being overheated b overheating
c overheated d having been overheated
without overheating 不会过热
overheat 动词,过热
without 介词,后面接动名词

3the experiment can not be carried out because of ___C_.
a the equipment is destroyed
b the equipment to be destroyed
c the equipment being destroyed
d the equipment has been destroyed
because of 介词短语,后面接名词或名词形式的短语
区别于because, 如果换成because ,这里选D

4 the old woman has a letter from her son in the army __C__to her.
a read b write c written d received
letter 后面两个修饰语,from .......和written to ......
去掉第一个就清楚了:the old woman has a letter from her son in the army. 这个老妇人有一封
the old woman has a letter written to her.这个老妇人有一封写给她的信。

5 he 's sure you 'll pass the examination,__A__?
a isn't he b do you c won't you d hasn't he

6 parents are encourage to _D___ computers for their children.
a get b purchase c gain d buy
固定搭配:buy sth for sb

7 the orther __A__the motors will come from the control room.
a to stop b to be stopped c stopped d stops
to stop the motors 不定式作后置定语修饰the other

热心网友 时间:2024-10-22 16:51

1 two of the advantages of the transistor are its being very small in size and its being able to be put close to each other without __C__.
a being overheated b overheating
c overheated d having been overheated
3the experiment can not be carried out because of __C__.
a the equipment is destroyed
b the equipment to be destroyed
c the equipment being destroyed
d the equipment has been destroyed
4 the old woman has a letter from her son in the army _B___to her.
a read b write c written d received
5 he 's sure you 'll pass the examination,__A__?
a isn't he b do you c won't you d hasn't he
6 parents are encourage to __D__ computers for their children.
a get b purchase c gain d buy
7 the orther __A__the motors will come from the control room.
a to stop b to be stopped c stopped d stops

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