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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-11 07:46



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 09:57

检举 1、"Where are the founding, under non-in the mountains, will be at the top Hirokawa, high port and not nearly enough for water, not near water channel under the anti-province. Material for days on location, not in the rules so the city walls, roads will be the next criterion "
2、Son of Heaven in the office, we called for days solid, go to the benefit. Made within the city, outside the city whom Guo, Guo foreign land whom Lang, to the high-ditch, under the embankment of the, order of say Jincheng. "
3、Near palace where she trained, neither an Official and Gengzhe near the door, close to city workers Jia. Ten miles home suddenly, appointed Yan, Yuji level of. "
4、" segment of society who Simin, country rock people-orientated. Not so domestic, miscellaneous office are his words and throat, being to arbitrary. Actual occurrence of scholars will be teaching at leisure Yan, Agriculture Department will be on the field , office workers will be on the official, Commerce Department will on the marketplace. "
5、"To the Code in the City, City of waited at the soldiers, soldiers waited at the person, person keep the grain. Familiar places, not the provision of the city were not solid ... the world, this country also; country who township of this also ... "
6、"Cardiff city and State fields were shallow narrow, its not enough to support their wild people; Metro few large and the people who keep their people not their city"

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 09:57

1、"Where are the founding, under non-in the mountains, will be at the top Hirokawa, high port and not nearly enough for water, not near water channel under the anti-province. Material for days on location, not in the rules so the city walls, roads will be the next criterion "
2、Son of Heaven in the office, we called for days solid, go to the benefit. Made within the city, outside the city whom Guo, Guo foreign land whom Lang, to the high-ditch, under the embankment of the, order of say Jincheng. "
3、Near palace where she trained, neither an Official and Gengzhe near the door, close to city workers Jia. Ten miles home suddenly, appointed Yan, Yuji level of. "
4、" segment of society who Simin, country rock people-orientated. Not so domestic, miscellaneous office are his words and throat, being to arbitrary. Actual occurrence of scholars will be teaching at leisure Yan, Agriculture Department will be on the field , office workers will be on the official, Commerce Department will on the marketplace. "
5、"To the Code in the City, City of waited at the soldiers, soldiers waited at the person, person keep the grain. Familiar places, not the provision of the city were not solid ... the world, this country also; country who township of this also ... "
6、"Cardiff city and State fields were shallow narrow, its not enough to support their wild people; Metro few large and the people who keep their people not their city"

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 09:58

The tube, horse ":" all nations are YuDaShan, under YuAnChuan will not near port, high above the water use, not near the water and groove. Due to prevent being, therefore, is not visible, under the way of measuring of."
The tube, "emperor, in the place, because of the heavens, the solid ground for the city, inside outside to the outside, guo guo, for Lang soil under the ditch, while high embankment is the life of hardware,".
The tube, big rectification: "all the persons, with nearly palace gate, jia tiller near the city of nearly three miles. How, and appoint buy dropped the ticket." as
The small rectification, "said: the depiction of the four people, the ShiMin. Do not make contacts, also is the Long is Mosaic, that is so messy. The king will be holy to ChuShi idle, the farmers will just yan, will go to the field work, the contractor shall be made is elegant."
The pipe, and the degree of "the city, in the city, the people, the people in the background is not monarched. Home town, not TianXiaZhe... the GuoZhe; this also, in this also..."
The tube, right "fix Cardiff city and country, its narrow field shallow to raise its wild people; and the oligonucleotide metro, the people's to keep the city."
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