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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-11 14:35



热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 06:57

Good morning. Good afternoon. Good morning, class. Hello, everyone / boys and girls / guys! It's time for class.
Let's begin our class. Let's start. Shall we begin? Yes, let's begin.
There goes the bell. Now class begins. Please open your books and turn to Page 1. Let's have a break. Let's have a rest. Break time.
Time is up. That's all for today! We stop here.
Let's call it a day. Class is over. Goodbye everyone! See you next time.
See you later. Goodbye. / Bye-bye. Let's sing the "goodbye" song together. Is everyone here? When teacher calls out your name, please stand up and say " here". Do you remember your name? Is ______ here?
Here! Who is not here? ______ is not here. Why do you late?
What's the matter? Come in, please. Let's play a game. Let's begin./start. Are you ready?
One, two, three, go! Who is the first one? I'm the first one.
Who is winner? We are the winners! Who wants to try?
It's your turn. Please follow me. Watch me!
I will divide you into two teams. You are the APPLE team. You are the BANANA team. Really? Are you sure?
Teacher, me! When I say your name, please stand up.
Let's count. “one, two, three…” Louder, please.
Let's form a line. Let's make a circle. Try again! Better luck next time.
Don't feel bad. You will win next time. Quickly!
Hurry up! Take it easy! Be careful! Come on!
Let's jump. That's it! Keep going! Let's run.
Let's hop. Let's walk. Let's hold hands. Let's stop. Clap your hands. Stamp your feet. Raise your hands. Wave your arms. Show me your left hand. Read after me, please. Open your books and turn to page___. All together please.
Let's read a chant. Can you read it? Let's sing a song. Let's sing a song with actions. Yes or no? Do you like it? Let's listen to the music. Come here.
Go there. Stand up. Sit down. Turn around. Hands up.
Hands down. Put up your hand. Put down your hand. Please stop talking.
Listen carefully. Please be quiet. Please keep quiet. Don't push others. Please pay attention. You are too noisy, please stop. Please don't make noise. Return to your seat. Good!
Pretty good! Very good! Good job! Good boy/girl! Good idea. Excellent! Supper! Amazing! You are amazing! Well done! Very nice! Nice try! Nice job! Wonderful! Wonderful job!
You are wonderful! Beautiful! Lovely! Pretty! You look so lovely/pretty/nice today. Not bad! You can do it. Brilliant!
Brilliant job! Brilliant idea! You are smart! Great!
You are great! It looks great! Cool! You are so cool! I agree. I agree with you. Really? Wow!
Fantastic! !

热心网友 时间:2023-10-13 06:57

class bigin,class is over,bye bye
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