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in the field英文歌曲

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-14 05:14



热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 11:45

In the Flat Field
所属专辑:In the Flat Field
歌词:A gut pull drag on me
Into the chasm gaping we
Mirrors multy reflecting this
Between spunk stained sheet
And odourous whim
Calmer eye- flick- shudder- within
Assist me to walk away in sin
Where is the string that Theseus laid
Find me out this labyrinth place
I do get bored, I get bored
In the flat field
I get bored, I do get bored
In the flat field

Yin and Yang lumber punch
Go taste a tart then eat my lunch
And force my slender thin and lean
In this solemn place of fill wetting dreams
Of black matted lace of pregnant cows
As life maps out onto my brow
The card is lowered in index turn
Into my filing cabinet hemispheres spurn
I do get bored, I get bored
In the flat field
I get bored, I do get bored
In the flat field
Let me catch the slit of light
For a maiden's sake
On a maiden flight
In the flat field I do get bored
Replace with Picadilly whores
In my yearn for some cerebral fix
Transfer me to that solid plain
Moulding shapes no shame to waste
Moulding shapes no shame to waste
And drag me there with deafening haste

热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 11:45

Selfless - New Found Glory
Break a mirror and ignore
All my features that we are facing
See what I can do without safety
Make my palms bleed, do what's asked of me
With my hand over my heart
Made a pledge to never grow up, a bitter dinosaur
Never make mistakes that I've made before
Never feel entitled
I just want to know I'm contributing
I want to live selfless
Instead of just floating by
Living every day like it's my last life
Can catch up on my sleep when I die
Aren't you sick of being selfish?
I want to show that I tried
Living every day like it's my last life
Can catch up on my sleep when I die
And society is a crippler
Nothing meaner, than bloated eyes
Followed by a smirk and a whisper
It's a messy life but I let it fly
Cause my hand is over my heart
With a pledge to never grow up, a bitter dinosaur
Never make mistakes that I've made before
Never feel entitled
I just want to know I'm contributing
I want to live selfless
Instead of just floating by
Living every day like it's my last life
Can catch up on my sleep when I die
Aren't you sick of being selfish?
I want to show that I tried
Living every day like it's my last life
Can catch up on my sleep when I die
If I'm not making any sense
Then you're not at all
You just haven't yet felt emptiness
Like the taste of a flat soda
You thought it would be so sweet
God all you drank but still feel incomplete
No I'm not gonna settle anymore
No I'm not gonna hold my tongue
If you haven't made enemies
Than you've never stood for anything
You're just st in the breeze
I'm just st in the breeze
But I wanna be a hurricane
I want to live selfless
Instead of just floating by
I want to live selfless
Can catch up on my sleep when I die
I want to live selfless
I want to show that I tried
Living every day like it's my last life
Can catch up on my sleep when I die
昭君怨诗词大全(5首昭君怨古词) 道是春来花未,道是雪来香异。竹外一枝斜,野人家。词中吟诵的是 萌萌带着自己的压岁钱去买笔记本,买了2本后还剩1.8元。如果买同样的笔记... ...1.8元,买同样的作业本四本差2.4元,作业本多少钱一本。给算得方法说... ...如果买同样的硬面钞4本则差2.40元,那么小明带了多少钱? 小明带一些钱去买作业本,买两本之后还剩1.8元;如果买同样的练习本4本则... 我的QQ总是被盗,烦死了,我总要改密码,怎样才不会被盗密码? 我跟一个好兄弟绝交了有1年9个月,没有联系没有来往,但我的心一直惦记... ...了。最近他听说我生病做手术回来了,就去班长那里问我的近况,加我... 请问神舟七号载人航天飞行的圆满成功,将对我国经济产生哪些积极影响... 阅读故乡的感悟心得 周杰伦以父之名歌词 周杰伦以父之名歌简介 千年紫砂锅的档位 小区是30层,楼层消防水压力是3.5公斤左右正常吗? 秦桑低绿枝是什么菜名 好喜欢伴我成长手抄报 钱放在微信里安全吗,会不会被盗? 养鹅小妙招 几个养鹅的小技巧 朗朗的妻子搞副业,推荐某款吹风机,网友们直呼不敢买 漂亮得不像实力派,女神出差必备神器—须眉迷你负离子吹风机测评 诗恩无线吹风机让我再一次大开眼界,吹风机还有无线的? 爱的厘米中李贝的人设是什么? 小炒莲藕丝怎么做的 小炒莲藕丝的简单做法 家常小炒 老人与海经典英语句子段落附翻译 英语名著的经典段落带翻译 《飘》经典英语段落赏析语录带翻译 谁有QQ弃号 买了一个废弃的QQ,但QQ有设备锁,想挂几天更改密保手机,但是有设备锁,哪位大神知道怎么办啊!或者 穿越末日小说txt全集免费下载 我的苹果6 开不开机了,显示充电,但是也开不了机 4.9973精确到百分位是多少? 4.248精确到百分位约是多少? 父亲节听的英语歌曲歌词里有hero 成都到九寨沟怎么走,租车去还是班车去 我配的电脑,所有配件规格都不错,可为什么电脑用着就是卡呢?使用3D软件,有时候会提示内存访问失败 煮大闸蟹开锅几分钟能熟 煮大闸蟹开锅要多久 北京市有江西银行吗 我17岁,1.78米左右,110斤左右,想练出结实的肌肉怎么练啊? 本人15岁,110斤,有一点小肚子,想在2个月内练出腹肌,我该怎么做? 去斑快速法 7个祛斑法快速解决 不论你是否是个网购大咖,你们在淘宝上花了多少钱? 你自从有了淘宝之后,一共败家了多少钱? 怎么看你在淘宝总共花了多少钱? 你在淘宝上用了多少钱呢 你什么时候开始网购的?共花了多少钱? 练腹肌肚子会不会长毛 我极度反感生育,看见别人生育,我都会在心里面不停的侮辱,我觉得生育后代是一件恶心的事,现在人口打那 为什么我会觉得小孩很恶心? 近亲繁殖危害很大!为何说这是来自基因的“诅咒”,没法破解? 为什么科学家不发明一种文明的方式,以帮助人类摆脱通过性这种恶心、不道德的方式繁殖后代?