发布时间:2022-10-14 07:16
时间:2023-11-28 09:58
My favorite book is "the little prince", because it can make me
understand good and evil, and tell us to love flowers and trees and
cherish our lives. As the little prince said that "if you fall in love
with a flower, like more than a sky bright stars, if you don't cherish
their as long as the things they did not have some things, it is
finished." It's a shame that so many people have what they
want and want something else. If all the world were like that, what
would the whole earth be like? How beautiful it would be if all were the
same spirit as the little prince.
时间:2023-11-28 09:59
首曲《阳光总在风雨后》却给我带来了不一样的东西。 《阳光总在风雨后》给我带来的是一种不放弃,要勇敢的战胜困难的信念,在困难面前不退缩的勇气,这首歌还可以给我带来雄壮的斗志,刘翔在“同一首”上唱过这首歌,表达出他的那种夺冠的决心。 在一次困难中,将要把你彻底击倒时,当你就要放弃反抗,要归顺于失败时,《阳光总在风雨后》这首歌可能就会激励你,去与困难作斗争,甚至能帮助你攻倒困难,取得最终胜利。 这首歌也是我最喜欢的,每当我伤心时,它就会像伙伴一样来安慰我,让我把一切烦恼通通抛到脑后,帮助我找回快乐。 从这首歌中,我也懂得了一个道理,生活中有许多困难等着我们去克服,人生难免受到挫折、打击,但只要坚持、奋斗了,你一定会成功。