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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 02:37



热心网友 时间:2022-05-03 11:44

The origins of fried fritters

Fried fritters, originally called "fried juniper" This traditional breakfast snacks, according to legend there is still a story.

"History of the Song Dynasty," records: the Southern Song Dynasty Gaozong Shaoxing 1922, a group of traitors Qin Hui, "unwarranted" to the charges against the killing of a father and son Yue Fei. Southern Song Dynasty soldiers and civilians have all been filled with indignation. Linan was in the vicinity of two storm kiosks selling breakfast food vendors, starting with their dough, respectively Chainie the shape such as Qin Hui Wang and the two face, twisted together Add to pan in the bombing, and called "fried juniper." 1:00, eat breakfast buy a visa to the masses shouting: "eat fried juniper! Eat fried cypress!"

In order to vent their resentment hearts, people have to follow suit. Since then, all over the cooked food Nanshang there have been fried fritters this food. So far, in some places, there are still the fried fritters called "fried juniper." Fried fritters China is the public one of the most favourite food. Initially the name of the fried fritters called "fried juniper," said Lin is the first person inventions.

Legend has it in the Southern Song Dynasty years, the evil prime minister and Qin Hui and his wife Wang because Duji and greed, foreign-Jin, set in the East window of the drug, Jingzhong to serve their country in the turmoil caused the deaths of Yue Fei booths. News spread, people each filled with righteous indignation, restaurants houses, streets and lanes, are discussing this matter.

At that time, from Onkyo River, there are two food stall, a sell sesame scallion Shaobing, a corporation selling fried rice. On this day, just a casual morning, the Wang Shao Bing do them altogether furnaces, stoves good arguments on the final selling leftover onions Shaobing again and again to see if the buyer does not, the rest sat on the Tiaodeng. At this time, do glutinous rice Mission victim has also pack a good pan, squatted there pumping breathing bag.

They fought each other entertain, together As to the day, on talk, it is causing the death of Yue Fei said Qin Hui things come up. They are very resentful, and wanted to use a method of expression to express their own views on this matter. Xianglaixiangqu, Wang thought of a way, we saw him up from the panel of two knots, Rourou pinch, pinch Troupe, soon seize two of the people. Hanging a rogue eyebrow, a distortion mouth Diao Great. Section starting with his knife, the Spirit rogue eyebrow hanging on Daheng wound to the neck, mouth Diao Great Spirit distortion on竖着wound to the belly.

Si see, that is not right, he back to his booth, the front-pan-roasted Shaobing two of the stove, the two will be cut off the surface of the re-pinch, and back-to-back stick together, go deep into the hot pan. Bombing of a person, a chanting, "We view fried juniper! Members of fried cypress!"

Past pedestrian heard "fried juniper", which I think is very fresh and to have surrounded. We see this pan, two bad guy was a roller fried creak sound, the thing to understand is how, with shouting, "Kanxiakanxia, frying juniper! Kanxiakanxia , frying cypress! "

Incidentally, sitting Bachidaijiao Qin Hui, and is back to the palace, Tuichao House, after from Onkyo. Qin Hui in the sedan chair, I heard the shouting and noisy, consider this to their own voices into the Xinwo, called stop sedan chair, who immediately sent Qingbing breaks out. Qingbing squeezed into the crowd, Wang LIS to grasp, even the pan also front-palanquin, Qin Kuai see pan fried in a charred the two ugly, angry络腮胡子Gengen are upward, Howl to palanquin out loud: "good big bolder! you want to rebel?"

Wang heart abnormalities calm replied: "We are small businesses, the rebels dare not interested?"

Qin Hui said: "That being the case, Zengan indiscriminate use of the official name讳?"

Wang said: "Aya, the prime minister alts, you are next to the wood 'juniper', I Huobang '烩'!"

At this time, the public都叫onlookers, "that's right, that's right, with the words sound different!" Qin Hui have nothing to say. See it in the pan float those two ugly, Kai: "Do not wordy! This Zhachengheitan things like how to eat! Are two distinct Diaomin, inciting a crowd to cause trouble, defraud and officials!"

Qin Hui such a hearing, the crowd immediately stop two people, and said: "This will be bombed, it is necessary to this bombing!" Side of the pan Laoqilai people in the face. Also repeatedly said: "Delicious, delicious! More I eat the more pleasant teeth, it really wants a swallow!" This way, angry face as Qin Hui purple liver, he had to Dengdeng eyes, to Dajiao , a drilling Huiliuliu to escape.

Qin Hui rogue being beaten by the public, this matter to the furore in Lin'an City. Onkyo people to have arrived from all eat an eat "fried juniper," Wang LIS simply start with the two partners, "Fried juniper" business.

Later, pinch-people are very troublesome for customers old platoon team, Wang LIS come up with a simple法子, they absorbed a large kneading dough spread out, with a knife cut into many small Clause, using 2, as a rogue Qin Hui, a woman she considered Mateo, a child with rod pressure, twisting together, go into pan fried, still call "fried juniper."

People had to eat "fried juniper" Xiao Xiao is to the hearts of frustration. But eating a really good flavor, and also cheaper price, so people who eat more and more. A lot of time outside stalls in Lin'an city, to learn to do, they will graally spread to the field, Tianchangrijiu, so these root length Clause as a "fried fritters."

Hubei's bombing of two fried fritters of help, help that is divided into House and Huangpi help, help habits House "single" operation, Huangpi used to help the "double" operation, the two claims. Food technology in a performance at the House for a master with five kilograms of wheat flour, creating fried fritters 100, a small, semi-roots many color Huang Liang, pine bubble Cuixiang, Ren Gengen cakes can be erected, length of uniform thickness, fried fritters won the championship.
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