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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-01 14:13



热心网友 时间:2023-11-25 02:38

1,No success can exist without diligence.(估计你是把它当谚语或标语来用,所以翻得比较像警示语。呵呵。)
2,Some animals change their behaviors to adapt to the environment.
3,This custom dates from Stone Age.(你可能打错了,应该是“石器时代”而不是“时期时代”吧)
4,After the evening party, she fell in love with him because of his sense of humor.
5,His speech makes us understand the problems, existing in ecation, much better.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-25 02:39

No successful man can without diligent.
Some kinds of animal can change their behaved for acclimation.
The custom begin of human of Stone Age
After the evening party, she love him for his humorous.
His lecture makes us that more embedded realize the issues of ecation.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-25 02:39

1, no matter what the successful people are always inseparable from the hard work
2, some animals by changing their own behavior to adapt to the surrounding environment
3, the most primitive customs origin of the human period to the present
4, after the end of evening, she because of his witty humor and love of his
5, his speech so that our ecation problems which have existed for a better understanding

热心网友 时间:2023-11-25 02:40

there is no success without hard work 或
diligence is the key to success
some animals adapt to their environment by changing their behaviour
this custom originated in the era of calendar invention
after the party, she felt charmed by his sense of humour
his speech helped us understand more deeply the problems encountered in ecational work

热心网友 时间:2023-11-25 02:41

1.No matter what successful people it is, can not leave diligently
2.Some animals will adapt to the environment by changing the behavior of them
3.This custom starts from the Stone Age of the mankind
4.After the party, she has fallen in love with him because of his humour
5.His speech makes us have deeper understanding to the problem present in ecation

热心网友 时间:2023-11-25 02:41

Regardless of any successful people cannot leave diligently

Some animals can through change their behavior to adapt to the circumstances

This custom begins in the humanity to use the Stone Age

After the party ended, she humorous charming liked him because of him

His lecture enable us the question which existed regarding the ecation in to have a more thorough understanding
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