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英语翻译问题 在线等 要求用到句子后的词

发布网友 发布时间:2022-09-30 00:24



热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 19:25

1.If she got a high satisfied score in the test, she should enter the University in October.
2.No matter how hard he work, he can not make a promotion.
3.Plowing through a book with 531 pages is a mega mission, especially when you meet many new academic words.
4.He do admire freedom, so he would rather dead than without freedom.
5.Every participant is trying their best instead of leave him to work alone.
6.As we can see from the research, there is a high rate for droping out of high school among the kids in divorce family.
7.The cap caught him as a drunk driver, so he was banned from driving for one year.
8.If he keep driving car in this way, one day he will be end up.
9. Take the measure whatsoever you think the best.
10.The idea strike me as odd, because I never heared of it.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 19:25

1.If she in exam well, she may be in October in college
2.No matter how hard he works, he can not get a promotion
3.Want to bother to read 531 pages of task not small, especially when you meet many new terms
4.He himself very advocate free, he would rather die than to have a free life
5.All participants are do their best, and did not let him do alone
6.Studies show that children of parents divorced easier in senior high school drop out of school
7.The police caught him drunk driving, therefore he was forbidden to drive a year
8.He carries on driving like that, sooner or later killed
9.Take whatever measures you consider best
10.I think this idea is a little weird, because I had never heard of

热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 19:26

1.Should she get good gradesn in the examination, she would be admitted by a university in Octomber.
2. No matter how hard he try, he wouldn't get promoted.
3.Plowing through 531pages of reading is not an easy task, even when you come across many new terms.
4.He thinks highly of freedom, as a result, he would rather die than lost freedom.
5.Insead of letting him do the job alone, every participant does his best.
6.Research shows that the children whose parents got divorced are more likey to drop out of school.
7.He was caught driving after drunk, therefore, he was banned from driving for a year.
8.If he goes on drving like that, he will end up in perish death.
9. You can take whatsoever you think the best.
10.The idea strikes me a little strange, for I have never heard of it before.

热心网友 时间:2024-12-12 19:26

2.no matter how didligent he worked,he just could not get promotion?
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