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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 03:21



热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 01:53

Flash-Disk         Portable Hard Disk      

先是U盘   然后移动硬盘

U盘,全称USB闪存盘,英文名“USB flash disk”。它是一种使用USB接口的无需物理驱动器的微型高容量移动存储产品,通过USB接口与电脑连接,实现即插即用。U盘的称呼最早来源于朗科科技生产的一种新型存储设备,名曰“优盘”,使用USB接口进行连接。U盘连接到电脑的USB接口后,U盘的资料可与电脑交换。而之后生产的类似技术的设备由于朗科已进行专利注册,而不能再称之为“优盘”,而改称谐音的“U盘”。后来,U盘这个称呼因其简单易记而因而广为人知,是移动存储设备之一。现在市面上出现了许多支持多种端口的U盘,即三通U盘(USB电脑端口、iOS苹果接口、安卓接口)。

热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 01:53





What differentiation do U dish and ambulation hard drive have?

The saving way is different.Move hard drive is a hard drive essentially, but the excellent dish is essentially a FLASH memory EEPROM,Still having is more and greatly to move hard drive, the excellent dish is smaller(size),Move the capacity price of the hard drive unit ratio U dish cheapness to have another, the U dish is the biggest now of really want also however 2 Gs, move hard drive basic is all 40 Gs perhaps larger of。
Summary:have great capacity price cheapness but than the excellent dish fear vibration size and weight to also want greatly,The U dish cleverly made convenience takes but the expensive capacity is also limited to move the hard drive generally minimum capacity to also have a 20 Gs, you can a lot of things, it can divide area, the U dish just uses while using the entry-level stage of computer of a little bit more, can save some small documents, for example WORD, even the powerpoints all can not necessarily save under, as for picture, also can save some small, but use hard drive can save a nice bit of thing, in our computers the hard drive general 80-120 Gs, moving the hard drive big words can also attain this degree, so very practical, the price is also not that high now, the area is smaller, the ambulation hard drive with 40 Gs about 67100, inconvenient take of that kind of, about 600 can buy a 80 Gs.

Moving the hard drive has great capacity, opposite a little bit more expensive.The speed is a little bit slower.
U dish, the capacity is small, the opposite speed hurries up, a little bit cheaper.

For example, 40 Gs, move hard drive to probably want 500 order much.
But 500 many RMBs, the U dish that can can not buy a G.

Talk about physical volume ambulation hard drive greatly, the U dish is small,Move hard drive to still compare U dish to consume an electricity.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 01:54

移动硬盘removable/portable hard disk
U 盘:USB key/Flash key

热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 01:54

U盘:flash disk
移动硬盘:Mobile Hard disk

热心网友 时间:2023-09-20 01:55

2. “优盘”: U-disk, 是USB flash disk的缩写,就是USB闪存
3. “移动硬盘”: mobile hard disk (device) 或movable hard disk
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