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求翻译 你知道白蚁之害吗?一座大厦如果有了白蚁,不加防治,不到十年时间,里面的地板壁板,都会蛀

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-07 11:03



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 22:07

Do you know how destructive termites? If a tall building is termites, without cure, in less than ten years, the floor panel inside, will decay. The general housing is severely damaged, some will suddenly collapse, causing loss of lives. Pole termite eaten, generally be replaced every two or three years. The ship by termites, light goods will be decayed, heavy will sink a ship. If railway sleepers by termites, train had derailed risk. Termites, are really disgusting.
In our society, there is another kind of "termites". A few days ago, according to the Jilin foreign trade bureau deputy director Wang Zhenyu used his powers, generous at the expense of the state money, idle away in seeking pleasure, treat or gift, waste alarming,
Is not a "termites" kill?追问和百度翻译得一模一样。。谢谢。。

追答Do you know the danger of termites? If there are termites in a large building, without control, less than 10 years, the inside of the partition board, will be infested. Houses were severely harm, and sometimes will suddenly collapsed, hurt life. Pole by termites decay, usually two or three years will change again. Ships with termites, light will decay, the goods can make the ship sank. Railway sleepers if erosion by termites, trains are in danger of cheating. Termites the pest, it is very hateful.
In our society, there are another kind of "termites". Few days ago asked Eric wong, deputy director of jilin provincial foreign trade department the original use of functions and powers, big purse of ci, beer and skittles, gift-giving, wasteful,
The danger of not is also a kind of "termites"?

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