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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-08 04:59



热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 03:43

Smartransgroup(Smartrans International Ltd) is devoting to domestic and international sea freight business .We are keeping on close cooperation relationship with various of famous carriers : NORASIA , MAERSK,APL ,COSCO ,EVERGREEN ,MSC OOCL ,CHINA SHIPPING etc .We have our own branch offices and partners both in inland city and port city which includes HONGKONG ,SHENZHEN ,GUANGZHOU ,XIAMEN ,TIANJIN(XINGANG), SHANGHAI, NINGBO,QINGDAO; DALIAN etc.
Our contracts with various shipping lines allow for a broad range of international shipping services with guaranteed quality and spaces service at an competitive prices. We have great advantage in different lines such as Latin American, Japan, Middle East, India & Pakistan, Southeast asian, America & Canada, Mediterranean SEA, Black sea, Australia etc.,Our cost-effective, reliable, efficient, responsible sea freight service include:
3) Single & multiple vendor consolidation service
4) Cost-saving multimode transportation such as sea/air, sea/rail, sea/inland etc
5) Cargo pick-up and delivery
6) Spaces booking and allotment
7) Custom clearance and declaration
8) Fumigation, cargo inspection license, export license as agent
9) Timely, accurate, complete documentation
10) OT, OP, FR.PLATFORM,Reefer container booking & transportation
11) Second-hand container purchasing and SOC container booking & transportation
12) On-line booking, tracking and communication
13) Competitive rates, port-to-port, door-to-door service
The satisfaction of customer is our object .Different from other general freight forwarders, our service is depending on the detailed analysis of the customer’s freight demands. We are committed to arranging the first priority shipping schele and good service as per the customer’s requirement for the time, cost, and other key factors .We have powerful strength on booking space, customs clearance ,transportation & barge ,container disposal along with inland storage ,which endow our customer with the efficient & reliable integrated freight service from ocean to inland .Our operation principle “ Security , rapidity ,precision, saving , conveniency ” will be keeping on accompanying with your cargo from the beginning to the end.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 03:43

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