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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-07 00:31



热心网友 时间:2023-01-26 05:09


  【导语】 会议是人们为了解决某个共同的问题或出于不同的'目的聚集在一起进行讨论、交流的活动,它往往伴随着一定规模的人员流动和消费。下面关于英文会议主持词开场白,希望可以帮到您!


  Good morning ladies and gentlemen

  welcom to the 20XX SUST model united nations.

  SUMUN was established in April 20XX. our continuous efforts and innovation, and relentless pursuit and struggle. Today, Model United Nations has developed into a powerful team which Made a lot of achievements.

  Today we are pleased to gather here to host 20XX SUST Model United Nations.

  let me introce our distinguished guests tonight:

  now i have the great privilege of presenting our distinguished guests today. They are*******welcome

  let’s warmly welcome the chairman SUMUN Miss luo to make a speech.

  Finally, we hope all the delegates can make effort to show your talent and model united nations can get a complete sucess.


  Distinguished guests, distinguished delegates,ladies and gentlemen, and all the friends:

  At this special time of wonderful December, in this grand hall of the beautiful

  city, our respectable guests are here getting together. On behalf of the organizing committee and the program committee, I am happy to welcome your participation in “International Phocology Developing Conference”, held in Shihezi University. Now, first of all, please allow me to give our hearty welcome to all of you present, and thank you, for your friendly coming,despite the long distance and the cold weather. We feel so proud, and appreciated as well to be the host of the event.


  Ladies and Gentlemen:

  Good afternoon

  Welcome to Nanjing! Welcome to Southeast University! I’m going to be the host of this management forum. Please allow me to extend our warmest congratulations to the conference and the most cordial welcome to you. Thank you very much for your attention. Management forum is devoted to expanding academic communication, promoting mutual understanding and following the advanced studies. This time, the forum will focus on frontier international management. It includes the frontier trend and the application of new theory. Now, let’s clap our hands and welcome the chairman of the conference to have an welcome speech.

  Thank you! It’s really a heart-warming speech.

  Well, ladies and gentlemen, please allow me to introce our speaker today, Professor Cui, and it’s a great pleasure for me to introce her to us all. She comes from Harvard Business College and devoted to the study about frontier management. The topic of her speech is”Current Management Trends and Issues”. Please join me in welcoming our guest speaker, Cui.

  The next speaker is Professor Wang. Since 1992, he has published nearly 20 papers, of which more than 5 were included in Journal of Management. At present, he is also the regular member of Society of Business Administration, which is the most authoritative international organization in this field. Please join me in welcoming professor Wang, whose topic is”leadership”.

  Thanks for two professors’ excellent reports. Do you have any questions? I hope you will participate in the discussion by raising your hands.

  Thanks two professors again for their excellent explanation.

  And thanks all of you for your attention and your time. I appreciate it very much. But now, I’m sorry to say that this conference will have to stop here. We will invite the next conference organizer to give an speech.

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