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用英语介绍上海世博会 至少50个单词,

发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-18 18:40



热心网友 时间:2023-11-24 05:51

  2010年世界博览会(Expo 2010)是一个筹备中的世界博览会,计划于2010年在中国上海市举行,也是历来首次由中国举办的世界博览会.博览会的主题是“城市,让生活更美好”(Better City, Better Life).主办机构预计吸引世界各地7000万人次参观者前往,总投资达300亿人民币,是世界博览会史上最大规模.
  2010 World Exposition (Expo 2010) is a preparation for the World Expo, which is scheled for Shanghai in 2010, held in China, it is the first time by China's World Expo. Expo's theme is "City, Better Life" (Better City, Better Life). Organizers all over the world are expected to attract 70 million visitors to the passengers, with a total investment of 300 billion yuan is the largest World Expo history.
  【2010 Shanghai World Expo emblem】
  Reflect the concept of the emblem is a visual symbol. Shanghai World Expo emblem on the sea is the emblem of the Expo through the global collection, created by specialists in the field.
  The shape of the logo designs of Chinese characters "World" and with the number "2010" ingenious combination, complement each other, expressing the Chinese people belong to the world of hosting, multi-cultural integration of the strong desire of Expo event.
  The image of the logo design from the point of view is like a house of three embracing and music, the performance of family harmony. In a broad sense can be included on behalf of "You, me, and he was" the whole of mankind and World Expo will be expressed "understanding, communication, gather, and cooperation" concept.
  The emblem of the main green hue, rich vitality, added up, rising, the City of Life and Meaning of crisp, to express the Chinese people for the future, the pursuit of sustainable development to create passion.
  [Edit this paragraph] 【2010 Shanghai World Expo mascot】
  2007年12月18 evening 8:00, the Shanghai World Expo mascot - Hai Bao told the purpose of Peoples in 2010 Shanghai World Expo mascot "Hai Bao (HAIBAO)" has finally opened a mysterious veil, blue "person" word lovely shape for all fresh and new.
  ◆ main image
  Hoi Po Chinese characters in the "people" as the core of creativity, not only reflects the characteristics of Chinese culture, but also echoed the Shanghai World Expo emblem design. Large-scale activities in the international mascot design mascot of the first to use text as a creative design is an innovation, "sea treasure" full of meaning from head to toe.
  Hair: as the waves rolled, it is a lively character, pointed out that the mascot of the regional characteristics of place of birth and life source.
  Face: The simple cartoon facial expressions, friendly and full of confidence.
  Eyes: great, round eyes, full of expectations for the future city.
  Blue: full inclusiveness, imagination, a symbol of hope and full of potential for the development of China.
  Body: round body, showing a good feeling to live in harmony, lovely and cute.
  Fist: tilt thumb is to praise the world and welcome friends.
  Feet: to stand firmly on the ground has become warm and open arms of the strong support, China has the ability to indicate, there are determined to host the World Expo.
  ◆ ◆ Origin of name
  China 2010 Shanghai World Expo mascot named "sea treasure", which means "the treasures of the world." "Hai Bao"朗朗上口name, also echoes the color of his body, in line with China's auspicious title of the principle of folk. "Hai Bao" with the mascot name of the image are inseparable, meaning auspicious.
  Hai Bao is China's World Expo 2010 Shanghai's image ambassador, he was with the enthusiasm of the arms, confident smile of welcome from friends around the world.
  ◆ ◆ reflected the theme of
  Mascot of the overall image of the sea Po simple, information simple, easy to remember, suitable for dissemination. Although there is only one, but interpreted through movement, costume changes, can the ever-changing, varied patterns, show a wide range of style.
  "The good is like," Water is the source of life, the mascot is the main form of water, his color is blue like the sea, indicating that China's integration into the world, embrace the world of the new posture.
  Hai Bao reflects the "people" of the city an ideal multi-cultural integration; reflects the "people" of economic prosperity, environmental sustainability, development and construction of the tribute; reflects the "people" of urban technological innovation, endless possibilities for the development of expectations; also reflects the "people" of the desire of urban communities remodeling; He also embodies the "people" the hearts of cities and villages of the vision of common prosperity. Bao is a colorful sea life, longing for the bright lights of the blessings of life, but also in Shanghai, China on the enthusiasm from all corners of the friends invited.
  [Edit this paragraph] 【Expo volunteers sign slogan songs】
  China 2010 Shanghai World Expo will be the main body of volunteers from the Chinese symbol "heart", the English letter "V", the title of an olive branch mouth dove of peace flying pose. Expo emblem and "World," similar to that in Chinese culture, a personality at the same time, the volunteers used the expression "heart" and hot "heart." "V" is the English "Volunteer" initials on the sign of the groups represented, giving it a clear meaning; flying dove of peace on behalf of Shanghai, is also a symbol of peace, friendship, and an olive branch the meaning of sustainable development and hope that the heritage "city, Better Life "theme of the Expo. Rainbow-like colors, ribbons wind wave, called the passion of Shanghai. We believe that by the year 2010, in the efforts of volunteers from all over the world will gather in harmony under the same piece of sky!
  Shanghai World Expo will be the main slogan of volunteers, "the world in front of your eyes, we are at your side." Cui Yin said a request for volunteers: to become a "more beautiful city" builders, "a better life," the creators of "a deeper friendship" communicator. BIE Secretary-General, who sent a congratulatory letter to Loscertales. Eason Chan concert ceremony in the Shanghai World Expo volunteers song "in your side" in the end wonderful
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