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发布网友 发布时间:2022-10-16 23:51



热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 13:37

Eaves, such as wind chimes, such as sea cliffs and so I returned Yan
Time was arranged for an accident, you played quietly away
Story in the fog, scattered outside the city not open dialogue to see unclear
You can not sense that there is no sound of the wind is my feelings

Who wake up to open the windowsill to the outcome of
That thin as onion skin who can not stand the future demolition
I will give you thousands of miles away to leave you a silent black and white
Perhaps the silent era should not be too far away to fall in love
I will give you leave you are still beyond the horizon
Pieces of life and death where is difficult to guess a lifetime to wait for

Tears of Sound and into the Trees searching Wen Lihua moss white one-line
Days of rain falling in the mountains outside of Taiwan, I Liangbinban
Tears of Sound and into the Trees searching Wen Lihua moss white one-line
Days of rain falling in the mountains outside of Taiwan, I'll wait for you to

A transparent glass with a white st love your impeccable
Come to you from the rain, a sad poetic now I get wet
Hibiscus surface mining Ship shadow still do not come back in your
The years covered by the flowers you said in the past into a blank

Who wake up to open the windowsill to the outcome of
That thin as onion skin who can not stand the future demolition
I will give you thousands of miles away to leave you a silent black and white
Perhaps the silent era should not be too far away to fall in love
I will give you leave you are still beyond the horizon
Pieces of life and death where is difficult to guess lifetime ...

I will give you thousands of miles away to leave you a silent black and white
Perhaps the silent era should not be too far away to fall in love
I will give you leave you are still beyond the horizon
Pieces of life and death where is difficult to guess a lifetime to wait for

热心网友 时间:2023-10-25 13:37

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