发布时间:2022-10-18 12:04
时间:2023-11-13 14:11
时间:2023-11-13 14:11
Acronym Definition
ALPS Autoimmune Lymphoproliferative Syndrome
ALPS Active Learning Practices for Schools
ALPS Algorithms and Libraries for Physics Simulations
ALPS Airline Proct Set (Cisco)
ALPS Accidental Launch Protection System
ALPS Adaptive Lanczos-Pade Sweep
ALPS Arkansas Library Paraprofessionals
ALPS Advanced Linear Programming System
ALPS Automatic Loop Protection Switching
ALPS Aphasia Language Performance Scales
ALPS Advanced Liquid Propulsion System
ALPS Automated Load Planning System
ALPS Approved Licensed Professional Supervisor
ALPS Airborne Laser Polarization Sensor
ALPS Assembly Line Processing System
ALPS Automated Library Publishing System
ALPS AUTODIN Limited Privacy Service
ALPS Attorney Liability Protection Society, Inc.
ALPS Associated Logic Parallel System
ALPS Automated Library Processing Service
ALPS Automated Labor and Proction System
ALPS Aircraft Load Planning Software
ALPS Auto Laser Pulse Saving
ALPS Advanced Laser Protective System
ALPS Alternate Launch Point System
ALPS Automated Logistics Planning System (DoD)
ALPS Automatic Landing & Positioning System
ALPS Automatic Linear Positioning System
ALPS Alpine Leadership Pursuits for Skiers & Riders (Carrabassett Valley, ME)
ALPS Arc Lémanique Plant Science (University of Lausanne; Switzerland)
ALPS Adobe LiveCycle Policy Server (software)